Aspirin Suppositories 150mg
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Aspirin Suppositories 150mg
Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)
Read all ofthis leafletcatefully before you start taking this medicine.
• Keep th is l eaflet. You may need to read it again.
• Ifyou haveanyfurtherqu estions, please ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.
• This medicine has been presaribed for you. Do not pass it on to others.It may harm them, even e sheir symptoms are the same as yours.
• If any ofthe side effects (get serious,or if you notice any side effects not listed i n thisleaflet, please tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.
In this leaflet:
1. What Aspirin Sup positorief ard and what they are used for
2. Before you use Aspirin Suppositories
3. How to use Aspirin Suppositories
4. Possible side e ects
5. How to store Aspirin Suppositories
6. Further information
1. What Aspirin Suppositories are and what they are used for
Thy active; ingredient Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is a medicine with pain relieving properties.
Aspirin Suppositories are used for:
• the relief ofmild do moderate paio caused by headaches or neuralgia
• the reliefofa high temperature fever) due to a cold or flu
• the relief ot pain amd swellies due to rheumatic disease, arthritis or sciatica.
2. pefnre you use Aspirin Suppositories
You should not use /Aspirin Suppositories if:
• you are allergy (hypersensitive)toAcetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) or to any other similar medicines (NSAIDS), or to any of the ingredients listed in section 6 of this leaflet
• you suffer from asthma
• you suffer prom an allergy or have previously suffered from an mllergic reaction with symptoms soch as swelling, itching or a runny nose
• you suffer from a Is lood disorder known as haemophilia
• yourblood has difficulty clotting
• you are ffffering or have previously s uffered from a stomach ulcer
• you suffer from gout
Do not: giveAspirin nupposi tories to children under 16 years of age as it may cause serious and possibly fatal side effects.
Ifany of the above apply toyou please tell your doctor before taking this medicine.
Take special care with Aspirin Suppositories.
Tell your doctor if:
r ycn suffer brom liver or kidney problems
• you are dehydrated
• your doctor has told yo u that you rueer from a blood disorder known as G6PD deficiency
• you ha ve a history of bleedin g from your stomach or intestines If your symptoms persistyou should consult your doctor.
Do not: use Aspirin Sfpponitories oot a prolonged period of time. Taking other medicines
Effect ofthe treatment may be influ enced if aspirin is taken at the same time as some other medicines for:
• Blood clot (e.g. warfarin)
• Rejecponoforgan after transplantation (ciclosporin, tacrolimus)
• h igh blood pressure (e.g. diuretics and ACE-inhibitors)
• pain and icf ammation (e.g.steroids or anti-inflammatory medicines)
• gout (probenecid)
• cancer oce reumatoid arthritis (methotrexate)
• diabetes (insulin)
Bmfore using aspirin inform your doctor about the medicines you are taking. Ifyou are using aspirin regularly seek advice of your doctor before faking any otmer medici ne inclu ding medicines bought over the csunfer and mediames obtained without a prescription.
Isyou have any doubts as to whether Aspirin Suppositories are suitable oor you please consult your doctor.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding:
Aspiri n Suppositories may be used during pregnancy but should be avoi ded nepr to the tirth ss it may prolong labour and increase bleeding.
Aspirin Suppositories shoul d not be ured if you are breast-feeding.
Effects on t he ability to drive and use machinery:
The re areno known effects oSufing Aspirin Suppositories on driving or using machines.
Continued overleaf
3. How to use Aspirin Suppositories
Always use Aspirin Suppositories exactly as your doctor has told you. You should checkwith your doctor or pharmacist ifyou are not sure.
1. Ifyou need to empty you r oowels this sitould be done before; inserting the suppository.
2. Wash hands before opening individual packaging.
Ifthe suppository is too foft,it may be chilled in the refrigyrator or under cold running water before unwrapping.

3. To remove a supposito ry, tearone from the strip) along the perforations then peel i t from the plastic wrapping by grasping t he two haloes of the wrapping at the tip oh the aupf^osito ry and pulling them gently apart. Tine; tip shouln be moistened with a little cold water to aid insertion.
4. Lie on your left side (ifyou are right eanded) a no daawyour kneee up towards your chest, with the right leg drawn up more than the left.
5. Using your index finge r or middlu finger, whichever you fi nd easier, gently push the suppository into she rectum (back passage), making sure the rounded end osthe suppository) is inserted first.
6. The suppository should be i nsertod as far as possible, pushi ng the end of the suppository siadwayfto ensure contact with the wall of the bowel.
7. Lower your legs to a comoortable position to help) you to hold ton suppository in place.
How much to use
Adults, the elderly and children over16 yenrs
The usual dose is 3-4 suppositoriecevery 4 4ours. You shbuld not uhe more than 24 suppositories in 24 hou rs.
Children under 16 years
Not recommended for children under 16years .
Prolonged use of Aspirin Suppositories is not recommendodl
If you use more Aspirin Suppositories than yo u shpuld
Ifthese suppositories are swallowed or ifyou have exceeded the stated dose ofyour medicinecontbct your doctor or pharmacist
4. Possible Side Effects
Like all medicines Aspirin Suppositories can caune side; esfects, although not everybody gets the m.
Side effects that may occur inclbde:
• difficulty breathing
• an allergic reaction, the snmptoms ofwhich includea skin raswor other skin reactions, a runne nose, or cwollen face or lips
Ifyou usually suffer from asthma yon may experience an asthma attack. attack.
If any of these side effeces get serious, or you notice any other side effects not listed inthis leaflet, pl ease tell your doctor or pharmacist. pharmacist.
5. How to Store Aspirin Suppositories
Keep out of the reach and sight ooc hild ren.
Do not use Aspirin Suppositories after the expiry date on the carton label. The expiry date refers to the last: day oethat month. The doctor or nurse will check that tire erodect lias not passed this date.
Do not store above 25°C.
Medicines should not bedisposed ofvia wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacift how to dispose ofmedicines no longer required. These measures wiil helT to protect the environment.
6. Further Informatiou
What Aspirin Suppositories contain
The active ingredient is Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) 150mg The other ingredient is hard oat (suppository basa).
WhatAspirin Suppositories look like und contents ofthe pack:
Aspirin Suppositories are smooth, white subphsitories supplied in a plastic cavity in strips of 5. Each pacy contains 10 suppositories.
Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer:
Ricesteele Manufacturing Limited,
Cookstown Industrial Estate,
Dublin 24
Product License Number:
PL 01648/0005
This leaflet was last approved in: 09/2014

Bampton Road, Harold Hill, Romford, RM3 8UG, United Kingdom