Boots Antiseptic Cream

! Allantoin, uetrimide, 2,4-bichlorobenzyl Alcohol i
V Soothes and heals V Protects against infection y Promotes natural wound healing
Read all of the carton for full instructions.
Check the tube seal is not broken before first use. if It is, do not use the cream. Apply to the skin only. • Wash hands thoroughly before and after use
■ Wash the affected area under running water and dry thoroughly
■ For extra protection apply a plaster or’dressingT but bums and scalds are best left uncovered Adults and children; Apply the cream to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.
IF symptoms do not go away talk to your doctor.
Do not store above 30aC.
_KRsp-alimedicine.s out.of.ihe sight ancLteadb__
of children.
Active ingredients
This cream contains Allantoin 02% w/w, Cetrlmide 0.5% w/w, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol 0.5% w/w. Also contains: purified water, polyethylene glycol,
cetomacrogol iQdO, hyeiellose,: dimeticone, perfume, citric acid.
PL 00014/5138 The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA
Trident Reference No: BTC88Q58
Zen Ref: Category: Sub-Category: Grand:
Pack Type: Variant:
TR56S360 Healthcare First Aid Core Tube
Boots Antiseptic Cream 35g
Action: C
Date: 01/08/12
Country: UK
lUT/RA Approv&cl
\0h 1(2-
& If Oirdi
Main Headings: 7.5pt
Sub Headings: N/A
Body Copy: 5.5pt

■jopop jnoA oj >)|bj Abmb66 }0U op swoidwAs ±\ ■Aep e soLUji e jo z
eajE papa^E ai|i o\ weajo ai|i A|ddv :uaipimo puB synpv paj9A00un ya| paq ojb sp|BOS
puE sujnq ;nq ‘Bujssajp jo japBid e asn uojpajojd ejjxa joj • 0znB6 jo sjBDuy jnoA oujsn AjpsB weajo dm A|ddv • AiqBnojoqi Ajp puE jsjem 6u|uunj jepun u^s p ebje pepejjB &m ljsbm • asn jb^e pus ajopq ApBnojom spireq usbm • ■aiuji p spouad 6uo| joj jo AipajEadai asn pu oq 'A|uo uj>js aqi oj A|ddv
'LUBajo aqi asn
pu op‘s; ]i j| -asn ;sjl^ ajopq ua^ojq pu s; |Bas aqni aqi >|oaqo
sujOjpdui Sjip am o* moh /
klz ay

Do not store above 30°C.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the end flap of the carton.
This craam contains Allantoin 0.2% w/w, Cetrimide 0.5% w/w, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol 0.5% w/w.
Also contains: purified water, polyethylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, ceresin, light liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol 1000, hyetellose, sodium citrate, dimeticone, perfume, citric acid.
■(sjijpLUjap pBpoo -fra) suojpeaj uojs asnso Abiu pqoo[B |AjBapopQ ■BujpaapsEajq jo jueuBaid ajB noA jj aupjpaw s\m asn ueo nox
aupipauj s\m u; spajpajBu; aqj p Aub o\ o\5iq\\b bjb noA j|
:asn iou oqv
'se|dLUjd pus spds ‘sejjq pasu; ‘qsEJ AddBU ‘ui>|s peddeip Ajp ‘mnquns p seaje ||blus ‘sppos puE sujnq JoujLU ‘sezEJD pus spo jeej} 0} pesn eq ueo pus uojpepj jsuieBe spejcud ‘spunoM s[Eei| puE seqpos lubqjo oijdesipB siqi
jo* sj eujojpoui sj ifl ibmm
■suo|pnj;su! ||n* joj uo^ibo sp; \o ||e peay
PL00014/5T38 Text prepared 05/15
Manufactured by BCM Ltd Nottingham NG2 3AAforthe MAH: The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA


■eurapeui sjip p Apjes eqi uo uoiietuipni! aioui epwoid d|aq ueo noA spep apis Bujiiodaj Ag ■pjeoMO||aA/>|n'Ao6'EJijwMMM :p awaijos pjeQ mopa eg) e|A Apoajip spajp apis iiodaj osp ueo no/ uageo silij uo pepii pu spege apis siqissod Aub sapnpui sigj. esjnu jo isioeiuieigd Jopop jnoA oi >||Bi ‘spap apis Aue p6 noA j|
spejje epts p Bugiodey (uo|s Algol! pat ‘igsej u»|s 'B e) uojpeaj o|Bjs||v • jopop e ess pue uieajo aig Suren dais spege apis aseig iefi noA g 'suieiqojd 9Aeq pu |||M a|doad po|A|
'uojpp! pB noA ji jopop e ees pue ofpuj p Apa|d guua | _______repos SMoneMS Aiiepepiooe euoAue j| ,

Main Headings: 8.5pt
Sub Headings: 7pt
Body Copy: 6.5pt

■jopop jnoA oj >)|bj Abmb66 }0U op swoidwAs ±\ ■Aep e soLUji e jo z
eajE papa^E ai|i o\ tueajo ai|i A|ddv :uaipimo puB synpv paj9A00un ya| paq ojb sp|BOS
puE sujnq ;nq ‘Bujssajp jo japBid e asn uojpajoid ejjxa joj • 0znB6 jo sjBDuy jnoA oujsn AjpsB tueajo dm A|ddv • AiqBnojoqi Ajp puE jsjem 6u|uunj jepun u^s p eaie pepejje &m ljsb^ • asn ja^E pus ajoiaq Apunojoui spireq use/yv • ■aiuji p spouad 6uo| joj jo AipajEadai asn pu oj »|uo uu,s a^ oj A|ddv
■UBajo 0sn
pu op‘s; ]i j| -asn ;sjl^ ajopq ua^ojq pu s; |Bas aqni aqi >|oaqo
sujOjpdui Sjip am o* moh /
klz ay

Do not store above 30°C.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the end flap of the carton.
This craam contains Allantoin 0.2% w/w, Cetrimide 0.5% w/w, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol 0.5% w/w.
Also contains: purified water, polyethylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, ceresin, light liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol 1000, hyetellose, sodium citrate, dimeticone, perfume, citric acid.
■(sjijpLLuap pBpoo -fra) suojpeaj uojs asnso Abiu pqoo[B |AjBapopQ ■BujpaapsEajq jo jueuBaid ajB noA ji aupjpaw s\m asn ueo nox
aupipauj s\m u; spajpajBu aqj p Aub 01 0!Bj61(b bjb noA j| •
:c3n \ou oqv aUiO.paiu s\i\\ asn. .Oa buojag
■se|du 'id pup spds ‘sejjq pasuj ‘qsEJ Adodu ‘ui>|s peddeip Aju ‘mnouns p sbqjb news ‘sppos puE swi.q jojjui ‘sezEJD pus spo paj} j} pes.. eq u^j pus uc.pep; Pulje spjp.d ‘sp„noM s[Eei, puE t.1400s ll^sjo o.Jesip. siqi
jo* sj aujojpaui si iq jbijm
■suo!pnj;su| ||n* joj uo^ibo sm; \o ||e peay
PL00014/5T38 Text prepared 05/15
Manufactured by BCM Ltd Nottingham NG2 3AAforthe MAH: The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA

■eurapeui sjm p Apjes eq; uo uoiietuipni! aioui epwoid d|aq ueo noA spapa apis Bupjodaj Ag 'pjeomo||aA/)|n'Ao6'ejquj7vv«jvv :p aiuaqos pjbq Ai\o||ax aqj e|A A|pajjp spapa apis podai osib ueo no/ uapeo Slip uo papii pu spapa apis eiqissod Aub sapnpuj S|lll'asjnu jo jspeiweijd ‘jopop jnoA oj >||Bi ‘spapa apis Aue p6 noA p
spepe apis jo Bugiodey (uo|s Aqop jo par ‘psej ujps -Ba) uojpeaj oiBjanv • jopop e aas pue uieajo aip Suren dap spapa apis asaig pfi noA p 'Siuaiqojd 3Aeq pu |||M ajdoad poy\|
■uojptuj! pB noA ji jopop e aas pue vu p Apa|d >{uua | _______repos SMoneiHS Apejuapiooe auoAue p ,

If you need more advice ask your pharmacist.
Main Headings: 8.5pt
Sub Headings: 7pt
Body Copy: 6.5pt

• ••• •• • t t
141 mm

Main Headings: 8.5pt
Sub Headings: 7pt
Body Copy: 6.5pt

• ••• •• • t t
141 mm

Main Headings: |
8.5pt |
Sub Headings: |
?Pt |
Body Copy: |
6.5pt |
UJUi t tt

Mlantoin, Cetrimide, 2,4-Di
/ Soothes and heals V Protects against infection / Promotes natural wound healing

Trident Reference No: |
BTC88064 |
Zen Ref: |
TR565368 |
Category: |
Healthcare |
Sub-Category: |
First Aid |
Brand: |
Core |
Pack Type : |
Tube |
Variant: |
Boots Antiseptic Cream 1QQg |
Action: |
c |
Date: |
OTfDB/12 |
Country: |
UK |
Read ail of the carton lor full instructions.
/How to use this medicine
Check the tube seal is not broken before first use. If It is, do not use the cream. Apply to the skin only.
• Wash hands thoroughly before and after use
• Wash the affected area under running water and dry thoroughly
•“Apply the cream gently using your fingers or gauze
Do not store above 30'C.
Keep ail medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Active ingredients
This cream contains Allarrtoin 0.2% w/w, Cetrimide 0.5% w/w, 2,4~Dichlorabenzyl Alcohol 0.5% w/w.
Also contains: purified water, polyethylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, ceresin. light liquid paraffin, cetomacroaol 1000._
or dressing, but burns and
Main Headings: |
9,5pt |
Sub Headings: |
N/A |
Body Copy: |
7.5pt |
> For extra protection apply a f scalds are best left uncovered Adults and children: Apply the cream to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.
If symptoms do not go away talk to your doctor.
hyetellose, sodium citi PL 00014/5138 The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA KHJX4
i, perfume, citric acid.
• • ••••• ••••
• •• ••••• • • •• • ••••• •
:Ado3 Apog ;dL :s6mpe3|-| qng
jd6 isBujpean u;e^
azis ixai xaoMiav

Do not store above 30°C.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the end flap of the carton.
This cream contains Allantoin 0.2% w/w, Cetrimide 0.5% w/w, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol 0.5% w/w. Also contains: purified water, polyethylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, ceresin, light liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol 1000, hyetellose, sodium citrate, dimeticone, perfume, citric acid.


Read all of this carton for full instructions. ~ “•"For extra protection use a plaster or dressing, but burns and scalds are “
What this medicine is for best left uncovered „ „
This antiseptic cream soothes and heals wounds, protects against infection Adults and children: Apply the cream to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.
and can be usee to trea; cuts and graijs, m„ic.’bur..s an^ scalJs, jmali ai jas If synp^o is do nr‘ "way "alkt<®you" doctor,
of su. .burn, c.y ch^ppac sk a, nappy rash, inst at Jl^s, jpotj. and pir..pLa. 9 §lf anyone accidentally T ailors some: Drink plenty of milk and see a Before y^u uje t. .is i. ledicine doctorif you get irritatici.
! x Do not use: Possible side effects
■ If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medicine Most people will not have problems.
You can use this medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you get these side effects stop using the cream and see a doctor:
Cetostearyl alcohol may cause skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis). • Allergic reaction (e.g. skin rash, red or itchy skin)
/How to use this medicine Reporting of side effects
' Check the tube seal is net broken before first use. If it is, do not use the cream. Ilso
Apply to the skin only. Do not use repeatedly or for long periods of time. reoort s!de^efforts d^lv 5a^^oS^ ™
• Wash hands thoroughly before and after use report side effects directly via tne Yellow oara beneme at.
• Wash the affected n of skin under running water and dry thoroughly y0U can help
• Apply the cream_aentjy using_ypur_fingers_orWuze_ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ providemorejnformation on the safety of thismedicine.
:Adoo Apog ;dL :s6mpe3|-| qng
jd6 isBujpean u;e^
azis ixai xaoMiav

Do not store above 30°C.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the end flap of the carton.
This cream contains Allantoin 0.2% w/w, Cetrimide 0.5% w/w, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl Alcohol 0.5% w/w. Also contains: purified water, polyethylene glycol, cetostearyl alcohol, ceresin, light liquid paraffin, cetomacrogol 1000, hyetellose, sodium citrate, dimeticone, perfume, citric acid.


Read all of this carton for full instructions. ~ “•"For extra protection use a plaster or dressing, but burns and scalds are “
What this medicine is for best left uncovered „ „
This antiseptic cream soothes and heals wounds, protects against infection Adults and children: Apply the cream to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.
and can be used to treat cuts and grazes, minor burns and scalds, small areas ^ symptoms do not go away talk to your doctor,
of sunburn, dry chapped skin, nappy rash, insect bites, spots and pimples. ^ anyone accidentally swallows some: Drink plenty of milk and see a Before you use this medicine doctorif you get irritation.
! x Do not use: Possible side effects
■ If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medicine Most people will not have problems.
You can use this medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. ^ you get these side effects stop using the cream and see a doctor:
Cetostearyl alcohol may cause skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis). • Allergic reaction (e.g. skin rash, red or itchy skin)
/How to use this medicine Reporting of side effects
' Check the tube seal is net broken before first use. If it is, do not use the cream. Ilso
Apply to the skin only. Do not use repeatedly or for long periods of time. reoort^s!deStarts d^lv 5a^^oS^ ™
• Wash hands thoroughly before and after use report side effects directly via tne Yellow oaro beneme at.
• Wash the affected n of skin under running water and dry thoroughly y0U can help
• Apply the cream_aentjy using.ypurJinaerso_rgauze_ _ _ . ______ _ _ _ provide morejnformation on the safety of this medicine.
179 mm

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7pt |
179 mm

Main Headings: 9pt
Sub Headings: 7pt
Body Copy: 7pt