Boots Cold Sore Lotion
146 mm
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the end flap of the carton.
Active ingredients: This lotion contains Benzyl Alcohol 2% v/v, Camphor 0.1 % w/v, Levomenthol 0.2% w/v, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyi Alcohol 0.25% w/v. Also contains: industrial me^hy[ated_spi rits, propyleneg lycol.
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' PL 0D0T470345 ”'Texfprepared"5/T0"1 Manufactured by the Marketing Authorisation holder The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA

, Read“aTi of this carton Tor i full instructions, i Uses: An antiseptic lotion which i helps relieve and soothe the pain i of cold sores.
Before you use this medicine
ftDo not use:
If you are allergic to any of the ingredients i You can use this medicine if you are 1 _ Piegn^nt o_r breastfeeding.______
Information about some ofthe ingredients: Propylene glycol may cause skin irritation.
/How to use this medicine
Check the seal is not broken before first use. If it is. do not use the medicine. Apply to the skin only. Adults and children: Dab onto the cold sore as soon as it appears, with cotton wool. Repeat frequently.
i If symptoms do not go away Talk to i your doctor.
if H anyone accidentally swallows i some: Talk to a doctor straight away, iPossible side effects i Most people will not have problems, i but some may get some, i If you get any of these side effects, i stop using the medicine and i see a doctor:
• Allergic reaction (e.g. skin rash, red or itchy skin)
These other effects are less serious, if they bother you talk to a pharmacist:
• Stinging
If any side effect becomes severe, or you notice any side effect not listed here, please tell your pharmacist or doctor.

If you need more advice ask your pharmacist.

146 mm

Ink & varnish free area

60 mm

Cold Sore Lotion
V Soothing
V Relieves pain

3 by:
Read all of the carton for full Instructions.
( How to use this medicine
Apply to the skin only.
Adults and children: Dab onto the cold sore as soon as it appears, with cotton wool.
Repeat frequently.
Keep all medicines Q-out of the sight and —I
reach of children. —I
PL 00014/0345 . ^ The Boots Company ULmLfci PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA ^