Boots Heartburn Relief Peppermint Flavour
190 mm
74 mm

Read all of this label for full instructions. Uses: This sugar free medicine contains an antacid to relieve the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. It can be used for the relief of heartburn in pregnancy, and other conditions, which cause acid reflux.
Before you take this medicine
X Do not take:
• If you are allergic to any of the ingredients ! Talk to your pharmacist or doctor:
• If you are on a low salt (sodium) diet (each
5 ml spoonful contains about 73 mg of sodium, which may be harmful to you)
• If you take other medicines
- ACE inhibitors (for high blood pressure)
- Quinidine (for heart problems)
- Medicines to treat infections or malaria
- Lithium (for mood disorders)
- Antipsychotics (for mental health conditions)
- Medicines for epilepsy
- Medicines for osteoporosis, pain or rheumatoid arthritis
Do not take this medicine within 1 to 2 hours of taking any other medicine. Information about some of the ingredients: This medicine contains E214
6 E216 which may cause allergic reactions such as skin rash (possibly delayed).
/ How to take this medicine
Check the cap seal is not broken before first use. If it is, do not take the medicine. Shake the bottle well before use.
Adults and children of 12 years and oven Take two to four 5 ml spoonfuls after meals and at bedtime Children of 6 to 11 years: Take One or two 5 ml spoonfuls after meals and at bedtime Swallow the medicine.
Do not give to children under 6 years.
Do not take more than the amount recommended above.
If symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks talk to your doctor.
If you take too much: You may get a bloated stomach. If this happens talk to your pharmacist or doctor.
Possible side effects
Most people will not have problems, but some may get some of these:
• Constipation, wind, stomach cramps, burping Reporting of side effects:
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
How to store this medicine
Do not store above 25°C.
Do not refrigerate.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the label edge.
Active ingredients
Each 5 ml of oral suspension contains Calcium Carbonate 80 mg, Sodium Alginate 250 mg, Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5 mg. Also contains: carbomer, sodium hydroxide, saccharin sodium, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (E214), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216), butyl parahydroxybenzoate, isopropyl alcohol, peppermint oil, purified water.
PL 04917/0027
Text prepared 06/2015 Manufactured for The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA by the Marketing Authorisation holder Pinewood Laboratories Limited ^ Ballymacarbry Clonmel Co.
Tipperary Ireland If you need more advice ask your pharmacist.

74 mm

Read all of this label for full instructions. / How to take this medicine
Adults and children of 12 years and oven Take two to four 5 ml spoonfuls after meals and at bedtime

Swallow l, ie mefeine. • •
•Q^noigive tiehildren undO 6 years. •
Do not take more than the amount
BB£)mmqpjei^qiove. • • • •
If symatoms dorptaprway withir 2 weeks ^lk to your doctor: X, tt you take too much: You may get a bloated stomach. If this happens talk to your pharmacist or doctor.
Possible side effects
Most people will not have problems, but some may get some of these:
• Constipation, wind, stomach cramps, burping Reporting of side effects:
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
How to store this medicine
Do not store above 25°C.
Do not refrigerate.
Uses: This sugar free medicine contains an antacid to relieve the symptoms of indigBstion #id heartburn. It *an be lsed for % relief of L>eartbi in ij|R^gi$fncy, and other condi+lons, vbich c?' ise aod reflux.
Before you take this medicine
• Do Cottage: • • • •
• If yoS l e alk gic to anyjfthe icjBdiiits f Talk to your pharmac.5t or doctor:
• If you are on a low salt (sodium) diet (each
5 mlapaonOI contim abeuf 73eng of a sodirrn, which ma; be he'Tiful toytgi) a a
• If yo11 take other rrj^Jicin^ 9
- ACE inhibitors (for high blood pressure)
- Quinidine (for heart problems)
- Medicines to treat infections or malaria
- Lithium (for mood disorders)
- Antipsyehotics (for mental health conditions)
- Medicines for epilepsy
- Medicines for osteoporosis, pain or rheumatoid arthritis
Do not take this medicine within 1 to 2 hours of taking any other medicine.
Information about some of the ingredients: This medicine contains E214
6 E216 which may cause allergic reactions such as skin rash (possibly delayed).
Check the cap seal is not broken before first use. If It is, do not take the medicine. Shake the bottle well before use.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Use by the date on the label edge.
Actii 2 Lgreut its
[Itch 5 ml if oltl suspension contains Calcium Carbonate 80 mg, Sodium Alginate 250 mg, Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5 mg. 4t>o coCains: tarbornir, sodjm hydrox^i, sacchrm sodium ebyl parahydmr benzoate 'P?14) oropyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216)^)utyl parahydroxybenzoate, isopropyl alcohol, peppermint oil, purified water.
PL 04917/0027
Text prepared 06/2015
Manufactured for The Boots Company PLC
Nottingham NG2 3AA by the
Marketing Authorisation holder
Pinewood Laboratories Limited
Ballymacarbry Clonmel Co. n\/CDDDIMT
Tipperary Ireland 85 ^vcnrruiMI
If you need more advice ask S AREA
your pharmacist. 3
500 role _i_
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• •• • • t • | |
• • • • • |
• •• • • •• • • • • •• • • •• • •••••• |
Boots Heartburn Relief Peppermint Flavour |
56 mm

Read this label forMnsirudions. /Howto take this medicine Uses: A sugar free antacid for the relief Shake the bottle vveil before use.
Swallow this medicine after meals and at bedtime.
Adults and children of 12 years and over Take two to four 5 ml spoonfuls. Chikfrwiof 6to 11 years: Take one or two
^Is^raonfub^^ ^ ^
Do not lake more than the amourt^
„ , recommended above.
(each 5 ml spoonful contains about 73 if symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks
of heartburn in pregnancy and other conditions which cause acid reflux, Before you take this medicine ADo not take:
• If you are allergic to any of the
! Talk to you- pharmacist or doctor
• if you are on a low salt (sodium) diet
talk to you doctor. '
mg of sodium) .. ,.......
• if you take other medicines If you take too much: You may get a bloated
- ACE inhibitors (for high bkXDd pressue) stomach, tf this happens talkto your
- Quinkfine (for heart problems) pharmacist or doctor.
- Medicines to treat infections or malaria Possible side effects
/ Fast and effective relief of heartburn and Indigestion
- lithium (for mood disorders)
- Antipsychotics (for mental health conditions)
- Medicines for epilepsy
- Medicines for osteoporosis, pain or rheumatoid arthritis
Most people wil not have problems, but some may get:
1 Constipation, wnd, stomach cramps, burprg Reporting of side effects:
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes Do not take this medicine within 1 to 2 any possible ade effects not listed in this hours of taking any other medicine. E214 leaflet- You can dso rmort sde effects &E216 may cause allergic reactions directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at
suchassknr^h(posably delayed). _ Bv reporting
side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
Do not store above 25°C Do not refrigerate.
Keep all medicines out of the sight and reach of children.
Active ingredients: Each 5 ml of oral suspension contains Calcium Carbonate 80 mg, Sodium Alginate 250 mg,
Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5 mg. Also contains: carbomer, sodium hydroxide, saccharin sodium, ethyl a
parahydroxybenzoate fE214), parahydroxybenzoate (E216), butyl parahydroxybenzoate, isopropyl alcohol, peppermint oil, QC n77 purified water.
H_ 04917/0027 Use by the date below
Text prepared 06/2015
Manufactured for
The Boots Company PLC
Nottingham NG2 3AA
by theMA holder
Pinewood Laboratories
Limited Baltymacarbry
Clonmel Co.
Tippoary Ireland^ _

56 mm

(eachvml ^joontui mgofsodL ,i)
• if you take other medicines
l^ffiislabdfirMiKtniclions. 7HowfbMelhlS medicine
Uses: A sugar free antacid for the relief Shake the bottle well before of heartburn in pregnancy and other conditions which cause acid reflux,
^ Beforeyoftakethiftnediwne
150m eafcrffcta*.•• •
• If J u are Tergic ;anyo®he
Swallow this medicine after meals and at bedtime
Aults aix. childrt., of 12> jars and
<w r.^iketwr iofoir5mli y Tulr *
g 1 1 *

..........e more than the amount
recommended above.
If symptoms do not go away within 2 weeks talk to yar doctor.
If you take too much: You may get a bloated stQQTgjtfi. tf this hapnens talk fo ^ur
ileiflS)' w' pfWrflfcistor
..........ions a. naL ia ,»ossible s. Je effecL • •
Lithium (fr mood ’ sorders) • M3t people will ncOave prOlems,
Antipsychotics (for mental health but some may get:
conditions! • Constipation, wnd, stomach cramps, burping
- fv-odidnes .or epilepsy Rwortiig of side effects:
- N .didnes for oste porosis, pft or If j m |it any side effects, talk to your
rtpjmaloid arthritic • # # • dr'tor, pharmadst or nurse. This indudes
Do not take this med'dne within 1 to 2 any possible dde effects not listed in this
hours oftakng any othffl-medians. E214 leaflet. Ycxj can ertso report srfe effects &E216 may cause allergic reactions directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at such as skin rash (possibly delved). ^ www.mhra.Qov.ulWdiowcard. Bv reporting
side effects you can help provide more a
information on the safety of this medidne. -
Do not store above 25°C. Do not refrigerate. ^
Keep all medicines out of the sight -.ldreaw/iofcL-dren. • • ^
otivein^edie i Each £ fcil of oral oo
suspenaj n ont 'ns Calf' :m Carbonate vo
w. dium Alginate 250 mg,
Sodium Bicarbonate 133.5 mg. Also q\
contains: carbomer, sodium hydroxide, q
parahydroxybenzoate (E214), propyl £ >*■
parahydrox^zoatepi6),butyl g o
parahydroxybenzoate, isopropyl 3 =
alcohol, peppermint oil, ^_HRQ77 3 lo
purified water.
PL 04917/0027 Text prepared 06/2015 Manufactured for The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA by theMA holder Pinewood Laboratories Limited Baltymacarbry Clonmel Co.
Tipperary Ireland^ _
46-86-977 S3
Use by the date below
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• • • • M • • •• • •••••• • • • •• • •••••• | |
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Boots Heartburn Relief Peppermint Flavour |