Boxs Herbals Cystitis Relief

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Napiers Herbal Cystitis Relief is a traditional herbal remedy containing extracts of Couch grass, Marshmallow root, Buchu leaf, Uva ursi leaf, Juniper berries and Clivers herb. For full details see Section 6.

Napiers Herbal Cystitis Relief is a traditional herbal medicinal product used to help flushing of the urinary tract and to assist in minor urinary complaints associated with cystitis in women only, based on traditional use only.


Do not take this product if you:

•    are under 18 years old

•    are pregnant or breastfeeding

•    are allergic to any of the ingredients

•    if you are taking medicines known to interact with alcohol e.g. metronidazole

•    have impaired kidney function, kidney disease or any kidney infections

•    have or have had pain in one or both lower sides of your back which may indicate a kidney infection /inflammation

•    have fluid accumulation (oedema ) due to a heart or kidney problem

•    have been recommended a reduced fluid intake e.g. severe cardiac or renal diseases.

Important information about some of the ingredients in this medicine

This product contains 14.5% v/v ethanol (alcohol), i.e. up to 725mg per 5 ml dose, equivalent to 14.5 ml beer or 6.04 ml wine. Harmful for people suffering from alcoholism or liver-disease. If you are in a high risk group (patients with liver disease or epilepsy) you should consider the alcohol content before taking this product.

This product contains 363 mg of sucrose and 7.3 mg of glucose per 5 ml dose. If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.

Taking other medicines:

Tell your doctor about any other medicines you are taking, including any bought without a prescription.

Driving and using machines.

This product contains ethanol (alcohol) and may affect your ability to drive or operate machines. If affected do not drive or operate machines.


For oral use only.

Adult women (over 18 years old):

One 5 ml teaspoonful three times a day. Sufficient fluid intake is recommended.

The product should not be taken 1/2 to 1 hour before or after intake of other medicinal products.

Do not exceed the stated dose.

Consult your doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner if:

-    you have or develop symptoms of a urinary tract infection e.g. painful and/or frequent urination

-    you experience fever or notice any blood in your urine

-    you have difficulty passing urine

-    you experience any urinary incontinence

-    your symptoms worsen or do not improve during the use of this medicinal product

If you take too much (overdose).

If you take more than the recommended dose, speak to a doctor, pharmacist or qualified healthcare practitioner and take this leaflet with you.

An overdose of this product may result in alcohol intoxication. The amount of alcohol in a full bottle (14.1 g in 100 ml or 28.2 g in 200 ml: equivalent to 0.48 or 0.96 large glasses of wine or 1.16 or 2.32 glasses of beer, respectively) may result in intoxication and should be treated accordingly.(See Section 2).

If you forget to take this product

Continue to take your usual dose at the usual time. Do not take a double dose. It does not matter if you miss a dose.

If you have any questions, or are unsure of anything, please speak to your doctor, pharmacist or qualified healthcare practitioner.


Nausea, vomiting and stomach ache have been reported with Uva ursi leaf. The frequency is not known.

Uva ursi leaf may cause a greenish-brown coloration of the urine.

Allergic skin reactions have been reported with Juniper berries. The frequency is not known.

If other adverse reactions not mentioned above occur, a doctor or qualified health care practitioner should be consulted.

Making medicines safer

You can help to make medicines safer by reporting any side-effects to the Yellow Card Scheme at Alternatively you can get a paper Yellow Card form from your doctor’s surgery or a pharmacy, or call freephone 0808 100 3352 (available 10am-2pm Monday to Friday).


Do not use this product after the expiry date. The expiry date is printed on the label and on the bottom of the carton.

Do not store above 25°C. Store in the original container.

Return all medicines to a pharmacist for safe disposal.

Keep this product out of the reach and sight of children.


Each 5 ml contains:

0.875 ml of extract (as liquid extract) from Couch Grass Herb (Agropyron repens (L) Beauv.)(1:1) (equivalent to 0.875 mg of Couch Grass)

Extract Solvent: Ethanol 21% v/v

0.5 ml of extract (as liquid extract) from Marshmallow Root (Althaea officinalis L.) (1:1) (equivalent to 0.5 mg of Marshmallow)

Extract Solvent: Ethanol 21% v/v

1.125 ml of extract (as liquid extract) from Buchu leaf (Agathosma betulina (Berg) Pillans) (1:2.5) (equivalent to 2.8125 mg of Buchu leaf)

Extract Solvent: Ethanol 25% v/v

0.16 ml of extract (as liquid extract) from Uva Ursi leaf (Arctostaphylos uva-urs\ (L.) Spreng.) (1:1) (equivalent to 0.16 mg of Uva Ursi)

Extract Solvent: Ethanol 21% v/v

0.16 ml of extract (as liquid extract) from Juniper berries (J uni perns communis) (1:1) (equivalent to 0.16 mg of Juniper berries)

Extract Solvent: Ethanol 21% v/v

0.16 ml of extract (as liquid extract) from Clivers herb (Galium aparine) (1:1) (equivalent to 0.16 mg of Clivers) Extract Solvent: Ethanol 21% v/v

Also contains syrup (sucrose), glucose liquid, glycerol, tincture Cardamon Co. (Cardamom oil, Caraway oil, Cinnamon oil, Beetroot powder, glycerol, ethanol and water), Nutmeg oil, Clove oil, Cinnamon oil, Liquorice liquid extract (Liquorice, ethanol and water), caramel E150a, ethanol, sorbitol and water.

Traditional Herbal Registration holder:

Highland Herbs Limited,

10 Payne Street,

Glasgow, G4 0LF

Product manufacturers:

Potters Ltd, Wigan WN5 0JZ

Traditional Herbal Registration number: THR 43751/0009 [THR logo]

Leaflet revised 08/01/2015

What is Couch grass?

Couch grass is a common wild grass native to the British Isles and Europe. An extract from the fragrant rhizomes is used in making this medicine.

What is Marshmallow?

Marshmallow or marsh mallow is a pretty flowering herb native to the British Isles. An extract from the root is used in making this medicine.

What is Buchu?

Buchu is a flowering herb native to South Africa. An extract from the leaves is used in making this medicine.

What is Uva ursi?

Uva ursi, commonly called bearberry, is native to Europe. An extract from the leaves is used in making this medicine.

What is Juniper?

Juniper is native to Scotland and the British Isles. An extract from the fragrant berries is used in making this medicine.

What is Clivers?

Clivers, or cleavers, is a wild herb native to Scotland and the British Isles. An extract from the leaves, stems and flowering tops is used in making this medicine.

Further Enquiries

A copy of this leaflet in large format print is available.

If you would like more information about this product please contact: Napiers the Herbalists,

10 Payne Street,

Glasgow, G4 OLF

Telephone: 0845 002 1860_



with extracts of Couch grass, Marshmallow root, Buchu leaf, Uva ursi leaf, Juniper berries, and Clivers

Please read this leaflet carefully before you start taking this product.

It contains important information for you about this product that may affect you.

Keep this leaflet. You may wish to read it again.

You must contact a doctor or qualified healthcare practitioner if your symptoms do not improve or worsen during the use of this medicinal product. If any side effects become serious, or if you notice side effects not listed in here, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

What is in this leaflet?

1.    What this product is and what it is used for.

2.    Before you take this product

3.    How to take this product

4.    Possible side effects

5.    Howto store this product

6.    Further information

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