Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated
(levomenthol, squill tincture, liquorice liquid extract)
Important information about Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture
• This medicine relieves the symptoms of chesty coughs and sore throats in adults, the elderly and children over 5 years.
Do not use....
• If you have a heart complaint.
Read the leaflet before you use this medicine. It includes other information which might be especially important for you.
• Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again.
• Ask your pharmacist if you need any more information or advice.
• If you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.
1. What the medicine is for
This medicine contains liquorice and squill which belong to a group of medicines known as expectorants. They help remove phlegm in people with chesty coughs. Menthol helps relieve congestion in chesty coughs and bronchitis.
2. Before you use this medicine
Do not use the medicine if you or your child have.. allergy to any of the ingredients listed in section 6.
• Any type of heart complaint.
• Are an alcoholic.
• Have breathing difficulties.
• Have raised pressure in your head.
• Have heart, liver or kidney problems.
A Talk to your doctor if you or your child are taking..
• Carbenoxolone for a stomach ulcer.
• Medicines which help remove fluids from the body (e.g. water tablets).
Pregnant or breastfeeding..
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using this medicine if you are pregnant, might be pregnant or are breastfeeding.
A Important information about some of the ingredients
• This medicine contains 7.7vol% ethanol (alcohol), i.e. up to 600mg per 10ml dose, equivalent to 15ml beer, or 6ml wine per dose. Harmful for those suffering from alcoholism.
To be taken into account in children, pregnant women and high-risk groups such as patients with liver disease or epilepsy.
• This product contains glucose and sucrose. Each 5ml contains 1.53g sucrose. To be taken into account in patients with diabetes. If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicine.
• An
• This product contains sodium methyl, ethyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoates (E215, E219) which may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed).
3. How to use this medicine
Take this medicine by mouth.
©Adults, the elderly and children over 12 years
• Take one or two 5ml spoonfuls every 4 hours if required.
Children aged 5-12 years
• Take one 5ml spoonful every 4 hours if required.
□ Children under 5 years
Do not give to children under 5 unless your doctor tells you to.
If your symptoms persist or worsen you should ask your doctor for advice.
If you take too much
If you accidentally take too much, see a doctor straight away. Take the pack with you to show which medicine you have swallowed.
Turn over^
4. Possible side effects
Like all medicines Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture can have side effects, although these don't affect everyone.
Possible side effects are:
• Allergic reactions such as dermatitis, skin rash, flushing and itchy lumps.
• Higher sodium salt and water levels within the body.
• Low blood potassium levels within the body.
Unbalanced potassium and sodium levels may produce side effects of muscle weakness, confusion, disorientation, and irregular heartbeat.
• Gastrointestinal reactions such as abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea.
If you notice these or any other side effect not included above, stop use and tell your doctor or pharmacist. They will tell you what to do.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the yellow card scheme at: By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
5. Storing this medicine
• Keep it out of the sight and reach of children.
• Do not store above 25°C.
• Do not use after the expiry date shown on the carton. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
• Medicine should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of any unused medicine. These measures will help to protect the environment.
6. Further information
What is in this medicine
The active ingredients per 5ml are:
levomenthol 4mg, squill tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid extract 0.125ml.
The other ingredients are:
peppermint oil, anise oil, capsicum tincture (capsicum oleoresin, ethanol), sucrose, liquid glucose, magnesium aluminium silicate, sodium methyl, ethyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoates (E215, E219), glycerol (E422), caramel (E150), purified water.
What the medicine looks like
CovoniaChestyCough Mixture is a brown cloudy liquid which smells of menthol and aniseed.Itissupplied in 50ml, 150ml, 180ml and 300mlbottles.
Marketingauthorisation holder and manufacturer
Thornton and Ross Ltd., Huddersfield,
HD7 5QH, UK.
This leaflet was last revised in December 2014
Covonia is a trade mark of Thornton & Ross Ltd.
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated
relieves the symptoms of chesty coughs and sore throats.
•4 Take the solution by mouth.
Adults, the elderly and children over ^ 12 years: Take 1 or 2 x 5ml spoonfuls every 4 hours if required.
Children 5 - 12 years:Take 1 x 5ml spoonful every 4 hours if required.
Do not give to children under 5 years old 5 unless your doctor tells you to.
Do not take this medicine if you:
• Are an alcoholic.
• Have breathing difficulties.
• Have raised pressure in your head.
• Have heart, liver or kidney problems.
• Are allergic to anything in this medicine. Peel where shown for further precautions
S If symptoms persist or worsen consult your doctor.
Keep out of the sight and reach of children. n Active ingredients per 5ml: levomenthol 4mg, squill tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid extract 0.125ml.
Also contains: ethanol, sucrose, glucose, glycerol (E422), sodium parahydroxybenzoates (E215, E219). Alcohol 7.7vol%. Sucrose 1.53g per 5ml.
M See reverse for full list.

LOT, MAN, EXP overprint area
Like all medicines Covonia Che; can have side effects, although Possible side effects are:
• Allergic reactions such as dermatitis, skin rash, flushing and itchy lumps.
• Higher sodium salt and water
• Low blood potassium levels Unbalanced potassium and effects of muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat.
• Gastrointestinal reactions suc as abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea.
If you notice these or any other stop use and tell your doctor o what to do.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk t nurse. This includes any possibl leaflet. You can also report side card scheme at: www.mhra.go'
By reporting side effects you ca on the safety of this medicine.
3. Further information ■If you accidentally take to away. Take the pack with you to swallowed.
• Do not use after the expiry dat last day of that month.
• Return any unused medicine t
ty Cough Mixture Mentholated iese don’t affect everyone.
s w d sodiu ., co
vels within the body. hin the body.
m levels may produce side usion, disorientation, and
ide effect not included above, pharmacist. They will tell you
your doctor, pharmacist or s side effects not listed in this iffects directly via the yellow i\|jk/yellowcard help provide more information
much see a doctor straight how which medicine you have
The expiry date refers to the

Sid of£
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture liquorice and squill which belon known as expectorants. They he chesty coughs. Menthol helps coughs and bronchitis.
tentholated contains P1 to a group of medicines i remove phlegm in people with relieve congestion in chesty
med cine
Do not use the medicine i
• An allergy to any of the ingrer
• Any type of heart complaint. Talk to your doctor if you a
• Carbenoxolone for a stomach
• Medicines which help remove (e.g. water tablets).
Pregnant or breastfeeding
Ask your doctor or pharmacist f medicine if you are pregnant, m breastfeeding.
Important ingredient inlorr
• Contains 7.7vol% ethanol (alcr' dose, equivalent to 15ml beer, for those suffering from alcoho children, pregnant women and with liver disease or epilepsy.
• It contains glucose and sucrose. To be taken into account in pat been told by your doctor that y sugars, contact your doctor
• It contains sodium methyl, s parahydroxybenzoates (E215 reactions (possibly delayed).
if you have____
dients listed in section 3.
e taking____
luids from the body
ir advice before using this ght be pregnant or are
hol), i.e. up to 600mg per 10ml ir 6ml wine per dose. Harmful ism. To be taken into account in igh-risk groups such as patients
Each 5ml contains 1.53g sucrose. nts with diabetes. If you have u have an intolerance to some re taking this medicine. um ethyl and sodium propyl 219) which may cause allergic Turn Over #
The active ingredients per 5 ml
tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid The other ingredients are: p< tincture (capsicum oleoresin, et magnesium aluminium silicate, parahydroxybenzoates (E215, E (E150), purified water.
What the medicine looks liki Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture smells of menthol and aniseed.
It is supplied in 50ml, 150ml, 1 This label was last revised i
are: levomenthol 4mg, squill P3 extract 0.125ml.
apermint oil, anise oil, capsicum thanol), sucrose, liquid glucose, odium methyl, ethyl and propyl 19), glycerol (E422), caramel
a brown cloudy liquid which
0ml and 300ml bottles. n December 2014

Siii at 8
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated
relieves the symptoms of chesty coughs and sore throats.
M Take the solution by mouth.
Adults, the elderly and children over 12 years: Take 1 or 2 x 5ml spoonfuls every 4 hours if required.
Children 5 - 12 years: Take 1 x 5ml spoonful every 4 hours if required.
Do not give to children under 5 years old unless your doctor tells you to.
Do not take this medicine if you:
• Are an alcoholic.
• Have breathing difficulties.
• Have raised pressure in your head.
• Have heart, liver or kidney problems.
• Are allergic to anything in this medicine. Peel where shown for further precautions If symptoms persist or worsen consult your doctor.
Keep out of the sight and reach of children. Active ingredients per 5ml: levomenthol 4mg, squill tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid extract 0.125ml.
Also contains: ethanol, sucrose, glucose, glycerol (E422), sodium parahydroxybenzo-| ates (E215, E219). Alcohol 7.7vol%. Sucrose 1.53g per 5ml.
M See reverse for full list.
LOT, MAN, EXP overprint area
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture liquorice and squill which belon known as expectorants. They hel chesty coughs. Menthol helps relieve coughs and bronchitis.
Mentholated contains P1 to a group of medicines p remove phlegm in people with congestion in chesty
Do not use the medicine if
• An allergy to any of the ingred
• Any type of heart complaint.
Talk to your doctor if you a
• Carbenoxolone for a stomach
• Medicines which help remove (e.g. water tablets).
Pregnant or breastfeeding
Ask your doctor or pharmacist f
medicine if you are pregnant, m
Important ingredient inforr
• Contains 7.7vol% ethanol (alci' dose, equivalent to 15ml beer, for those suffering from alcoh^i; children, pregnant women and with liver disease or epilepsy.
• It contains glucose and sucrose.
To be taken into account in patfci been told by your doctor that sugars, contact your doctor bef
• It contains sodium methyl, so parahydroxybenzoates (E215, reactions (possibly delayed).
r advice before using this ght be pregnant or are
ohol), i.e. up to 600mg per 10ml or 6ml wine per dose. Harmful ism. To be taken into account in igh-risk groups such as patients
Each 5ml contains 1.53g sucrose. nts with diabetes. If you have u have an intolerance to some ore taking this medicine. um ethyl and sodium propyl 219) which may cause allergic
y Cough Mixture Mentholated hese don’t affect everyone.
Possible side effects are:
• Allergic reactions such as deriatitis, skin rash, flushing and itchy lumps.
• Higher sodium salt and water Ivels within the body.
• Low blood potassium levels w thin the body.
Unbalanced potassium and sod im levels may produce side effects of muscle weakness, co fusion, disorientation, and irregular heartbeat.
• Gastrointestinal reactions suc as abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea.
If you notice these or any other stop use and tell your doctor or what to do.
ide effect not included above, pharmacist. They will tell you
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk nurse. This includes any possib leaflet. You can also report side card scheme at: www.mhra.go'
By reporting side effects you ca on the safety of this medicine.
If you accidentally take too
Take the pack with you to show w swallowed.
• Do not use after the expiry dat last day of that month.
• Return any unused medicine t
your doctor, pharmacist or i side effects not listed in this iffects directly via the yellow irluk/yellowcard help provide more information
uch see a doctor straight away. hich medicine you have
The expiry date refers to the
The active ingredients per 5m
tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid The other ingredients are: p<
tincture (capsicum oleoresin, ethanol) magnesium aluminium silicate, parahydroxybenzoates (E215 ' (E150), purified water.
What the medicine looks lik
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture smells of menthol and aniseed.
It is supplied in 50ml, 150ml, 1
This label was last revised i
are: levomenthol 4mg, squill P3 xtract 0.125ml.
ppermint oil, anise oil, capsicum sucrose, liquid glucose, odium methyl, ethyl and propyl E219), glycerol (E422), caramel
s a brown cloudy liquid which
0ml and 300ml bottles. December 2014

own cloudy liquid which ind 300ml bottles. ember 2014
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated
relieves the symptoms of chesty coughs and sore throats.
Take the solution by mouth.
Adults, the elderly and children over 12 years: Take 1 or 2 x 5ml spoonfuls every 4 hours if required.
Children 5 - 12 years: Take 1 x 5ml spoonful every 4 hours if required.
Do not give to children under 5 years old unless your doctor tells you to.
Do not take this medicine if you:
• Are an alcoholic.
• Have breathing difficulties.
• Have raised pressure in your head.
• Have heart, liver or kidney problems.
• Are allergic to anything in this medicine. Peel where shown for further precautions.
If symptoms persist or worsen consult your doctor.
Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Active ingredients per 5ml: levomenthol 4mg, squill tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid extract 0.125ml.
Also contains: ethanol, sucrose, glucose, ‘ilycerol (E422).sodium parahydroxybenzoates E215, E219). Alcohol 7.7vol%. Sucrose .53g per 5ml.
See reverse for full list
ovonia Chesty Cough Mixture liquorice and squill which belon known as expectorants. They hr chesty coughs. Menthol helps r coughs and bronchitis.
Do not use the medicine il
• An allergy to any of the ingret
• Any type of heart complaint. ■Talk to your doctor if you a
• Carbenoxolone for a stomach u
• Medicines which help remove fl (e.g. water tablets).
■Pregnant or breastfeeding Ask your doctor or pharmacist ■ medicine if you are pregnant, it breastfeeding.
■Important ingredient infor
• Contains 7.7vol% ethanol (alc dose, equivalent to 15ml beer, for those suffering from alcoh children, pregnant women and with liver disease or epilepsy.
• It contains glucose and sucrose. To be taken into account in pa been told by your doctor that y sugars, contact your doctor bef
• It contains sodium methyl, so parahydroxybenzoates (E215, reactions (possibly delayed).
olated contains P1
group of medicines move phlegm in people with congestion in chesty
'ice before using this e pregnant or are
i.e. up to 600mg per 10ml l wine per dose. Harmful To be taken into account in isk groups such as patients
5ml contains 1.53g sucrose. with diabetes. If you have ave an intolerance to some taking this medicine. ethyl and sodium propyl which may cause allergic
Tum Over #
Like all medicines Covonia Cher can have side effects, although
Possible side effects are:
• Allergic reactions such as derm itchy lumps.
• Higher sodium salt and water
• Low blood potassium levels w Unbalanced potassium and sodi effects of muscle weakness, cor irregular heartbeat.
• Gastrointestinal reactions such and diarrhoea.
If you notice these or any other stop use and tell your doctor or p what to do.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk t nurse. This includes any possib leaflet. You can also report side card scheme at: By reporting side effects you ca on the safety of this medicine.
■If you accidentally take too
Take the pack with you to show swallowed.
• Do not use after the expiry dat last day of that month.
• Return any unused medicine ti
r: levomenthol 4mg, squill 0.125ml.
lint oil, anise oil, capsicum , sucrose, liquid glucose, m methyl, ethyl and propyl glycerol (E422), caramel

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MHRA Header Box
Product Title |
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated |
Colours Used |
Fonts Used | |
□ |
Process Black |
Helvetica | ||
Component |
Portrait single ply front label |
□ |
FS Ingrid |
Pack Size |
150ml/180ml |
Myriad Pro | |
IG Code |
22556608 |
PANTONE 165C | ||
Dimensions |
90 x 50mm |
Keyline (Does not print) | ||
Proof No. |
1 Date 11.11.2014 |
_ • |
Braille | |
^CHEST^ •!:
C.OVOH: • •. ^ •••;rmxlure
MENTHOLATED Levomenthol Squill Tircture Liquorice Liquid Extract
lPi active relief o. troublesome chesty cocghs NON DROWSY
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MHRA Header Box
Product Title |
Covonia Chesty Cough Mixture Mentholated |
Colours Used |
Fonts Used | |
□ |
Process Black |
FS Ingrid | ||
Component |
Portrait single ply front label |
□ |
Helvetica |
Pack Size |
300ml |
PANTONE 1205 C |
Myriad Pro | |
IG Code |
22995206 |
■ |
PANTONE 165 C | |
Dimensions |
83 x 65mm |
□ |
Keyline (Does not print) | |
Proof No. |
1 Date 11.11.2014 |
• |
Braille | |