Day & Night Nurse Capsules
12 mm
139.7 mm
115.7 mm
12 mm
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' Please read right through this leaflet before you / start using this medicine.
'This medicine is available without prescription,
' but you still need to use Day & Night Nurse - Capsules carefully to get the best results from 4them.
■ Keep this leaflet, you may need to read it again. ' If you have any further questions, ask your pharmacist.
;ln this leaflet:
-1. What Day & Night Nurse Capsules do ,2. Check before you take Day & Night Nurse Capsules
H3. Howto take Day & Night Nurse Capsules / 4. Possible side effects ' 5. How to store Day & Night Nurse Capsules '6. Further information ;1. What Day & Night Nurse ; Capsules do ' Day & Night Nurse Capsules are used for the 24 - hour relief of the major symptoms of colds, chills and influenza.
' The day-time capsules contain three active ingredients. Paracetamol is a painkiller and / reduces your temperature when you have a 'fever. Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride unblocks your nose and sinuses helping you to breathe Elmore easily. Pholcodine is a cough suppressant ' that helps relieve dry or tickly coughs.
'The night-time capsules also contain three active ingredients. Paracetamol is a painkiller and / reduces your temperature when you have a fever. ' Promethazine hydrochloride is an antihistamine ' which dries up a runny nose and aids restful sleep. . Dextromethorphan hydrobromide is a cough ' suppressant that helps relieve dry or tickly coughs.
;2. Check before you take Day & ; Night Nurse Capsules
Do not take Day & Night Nurse Capsules:
p if you have ever had an allergic reaction to paracetamol, pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, promethazine hydrochloride, pholcodine, dextromethorphan hydrobromide or any of the other ingredients (listed in Section 6)
1 if you have high blood pressure or heart disease 1» if you have kidney problems or hyperexcitability - • if you have a chest infection, worsening asthma or severe respiratory problems 1 if you are taking appetite suppressants or stimulant drugs called amphetamines (sometimes to treat ADHD)
'p if you have taken monoamine oxidase
inhibitors (MAOIs) prescribed for depression in the last two weeks
if you are having a pregnancy test carried out on your urine.
Do not take with any other paracetamol-containing products.
Do not take with any other flu, cold or decongestant product.
Take special care with Day & Night Nurse Capsules
1 Do not drink alcohol while using Day & Night Nurse Capsules.
1 If your symptoms are accompanied by a high temperature, skin rash or persistent headache, see your doctor.
Driving and operating machinery
The orange/yellow (day-time) capsules may cause dizziness. If affected do not drive or operate machinery.
The green/white (night-time) capsules may caused drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, movement difficulties or blurred vision. This can affect your ability to drive.
• Do not drive while taking this medicine until you know how it affects you.
• It may be an offence to drive when taking this medicine.
• However, you would not be committing an offence if the medicine has been taken to treat a medical or dental problem, and you have taken it according to the information provided with the medicine, and it was not affecting your ability to drive safely.
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure whether it is safe for you to drive while taking this medicine. Details regarding a new driving offence concerning driving after drugs have been taken in the UK may be found here:
Ask your doctor before taking this medicine:
if you have been told by your doctor you have
an intolerance to some sugars
if you have an overactive thyroid gland,
diabetes, an irregular heartbeat,
phaeochromocytoma (tumour of the adrenal
gland) or liver problems
if you have glaucoma, epilepsy, difficulty
passing urine, or prostate problems
if you have asthma, long term cough or a
cough which produces a lot of phlegm
if you are due to have an operation
if you are elderly and suffer from confusion.
If you are taking other medicines
Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking these capsules if you are taking any prescribed medicines; particularly digoxin (for heart problems); metodopramide or domperidone (for nausea or vomiting); colestyramine (to lower blood cholesterol); medicines for high blood pressure; medicines which give you blurred vision, a dry mouth or make you drowsy; blood thinning drugs (anticoagulants e.g. warfarin); quinidine or amiodarone (to control your heart rhythm); medicines for anxiety or depression (e.g. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) < tricyclic antidepressant) or to help you sleep

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Pregnancy and breast-feeding
- Do not take Day & Night Nurse Capsules if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
;3. How to take Day & Night jNurse Capsules
DAY-TIME: Swallow 2 orange/yellow capsules, with a drink, every four hours, up to three doses during the day. NIGHT-TIME: Swallow 2 green/white capsules, with a drink, at bedtime.
Allow at least 4 hours between doses.
• After taking day-time capsules, wait at least 4 hours before taking the night-time capsules.
• Do not take night-time capsules if you have already taken 4 doses of a paracetamol-containing product during the day.
• Do not take more than 8 day-time capsules in 24 hours
• Only take one dose of night-time capsule per night.
• Do not take for more than 3 days
• Do not take if you are under 12 years.
• Do not take more than the recommended dose.
dlf you take too many capsules
' Immediate medical advice should be sought in / the event of an overdose, even if you feel well,
; because of the risk of delayed, serious liver /damage.
; If your symptoms persist, see your doctor.
;4. Possible side effects
- Like all medicines. Day & Night Nurse Capsules can have side effects, but not everybody gets them:
' Older people are more prone to these side effects. / The following side effects may occur: ^Drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision,
; nervousness, hallucinations (particularly in /children) have been reported rarely, difficulty ; concentrating, unsteadiness, clumsiness,
/ headache, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, 'diarrhoea, constipation, ringing in the ears,
/ irritability, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite, difficulty passing urine, skin rashes, rapid heart ;rate and shaking.
Stop taking this medicine and tell your doctor immediately if you experience:
1 Allergic reactions which may be severe such as skin rash, itching sometimes with swelling of the mouth or face or shortness of breath 1 Skin rash or peeling or mouth ulcers 1 Breathing problems. These are more likely if you have experienced them before when taking other painkillers (such as ibuprofen and aspirin)
1 Unexplained bruising and bleeding 1 Confusion, feeling restless, sweating, shaking, shivering, sudden jerks of muscles or increased blood pressure 1 Difficulty passing urine 1 Nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite and yellowing of the eyes and skin
1 Restlessness, nervousness, feeling irritable, increased energy and sleep disturbances, which are more likely to affect children 1 Sudden severe headache.
These effects are rare.
If you do get any side effects, even those not mentioned in this leaflet, tell your doctor or pharmacist.
5. How to store Day & Night Nurse Capsules
Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Do not use this medicine after the ’EXP’ date shown on the pack.
Do not store above 25°C.
6. Further information
Day-time Capsules
Active ingredients Paracetamol 500 mg, Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride 30 mg and Pholcodine 5 mg.
Other ingredients Sodium starch glycollate,
magnesium stearate (E 572),
sodium lauryl sulphate, gelatin and colours
quinoline yellow (E 104),
allura red (E 129), titanium dioxide (E 171) and
printing ink (containing shellac, isopropyl
alcohol, iron oxide black (E 172), propylene glyco
(E 1520), ammonium hydroxide (E 527) and
n-butyl alcohol).
Allura red is an azo dye and may cause allergic reactions.
Night-time Capsules Active ingredients Paracetamol 500 mg. Promethazine Hydrochloride 10 mg and Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 7.5 mg.
Other ingredients Lactose, dimeticone, colloidal anhydrous silica, gelatin and colours patent blue V (E 131), quinoline yellow (E 104), titanium dioxide (E 171) and printing ink (containing shellac, isopropyl alcohol, iron oxide black (E 172), propylene glycol (E 1520), ammonium hydroxide (E 527) and n-butyl alcohol).
This pack contains 18 yellow/orange day-time capsules and 6 green/white night-time capsules. The marketing authorisation holder is GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare, Brentford, TW8 9GS, U.K. and all enquiries should be sent to this address.
The manufacturer is Wrafton Laboratories Ltd., Wrafton, Braunton, North Devon, EX33 2DL, U.K.
This leaflet was last revised in August 2014.
DAY & NIGHT NURSE is a registered trade mark of the GlaxoSmithKline group of companies.
^§7 GlaxoSmithKline
6110097 L610013/13