Dettol Antiseptic Cream
112 mm
138 mm
i l i l l
i l i i i
Package Leaflet: Information for the user
ichloroxylenol 0.3% w/w, triclosan 0.3% w/w, edetic acid (a]s potassium salt} 0.2% w/wi
i- Pleasejread all of thi|s leaflet carefjjlly before ydu use this me|dicine. | r If you have any further questions' ask your doctor or pharmacist, j- If any bf side effects! get serious or if you have any side effects not !
! listed, ;please tell yoi]jr doctor or pharmacist. | | ]
|1. Whai; Dettol Antiseptic Cream is and;what is it used fori
; Dettol! Antiseptic Cream contains! antiseptic and antibacterial agents !
! able tp kill the bacteria which may cause skin infections. ] ]
] DettoliAntiseptic Cream:
i • can be applied to puts, bites, st|ngs and graces to help prevent \
1 • maylalso be used an antiseptic hand crearln. ! !
i DettoljAntiseptic Cream is suitable for adults and children. ; '
% Before using dettol Antiseptic Cream
Do npt use this !medlclne |f you
i conditions or othejr skin complaints. j j j
Take!special care
' • For External use ofily. \ \ \ \
! • Keep away from the eyes. In the event of accidental eye contact,
1 wash with lukewarm water. ! ! ! !

Pharmacode Reads This Way
3. How to use Dettol Antiseptic Cream
| For adults and children, apply in srpall amounts ^directly onto tl|ie skin as i required. For cuts, grazes, bites and stings, first olean tne wound and | surroupding skin by Sviping gentlyjwith Dettol Ahtiseptic Creaijn on a ' piece of lint or cotton wool. Then apply the cream again for continued I protection. If necessary, cover the injury with a clean dressing.!
4. Possible side Effects
| Rarely,| sensitivity to pne of the ingredients may pause irritation! of the skin. If this happens, wash with lukewarm water and stop using the | produpt. If any other! side effects opcur, tell your doctor or pharmacist.
!5. How! to store Dettol Antiseptic Cream
; Keep put of the reaph and sight pf chirdren. Dp not use aftef the i expiryidate (EXP month/yeaF) shown on the tube and carton.
| The expiry date refe|rs to the last (date of that rponth. Medicjnes i should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.
! Ask ypur pharmacist how to dispose of medicipes no longer! required. These measures willj help to protect the environment. \
\6. Further information
What Dettol Antiseptic Cream contains
! The active ingredients (wnich make the cream! work) are !
; chloroXylenol 0.3%'w/w, triclosap 0.3% w/w £nd edetic acipl i (as potassium salt) 0.2% w/w. i i i
! The other ingredient are emulsifying wax, caribomer, glycerol,
; almond oil, terpineol, perfume E^9078, potassium hydroxide I solution 50%, purified water. i ! i
What iDettol Antiseptic Cream looks like and contents of! the pack
| Each tpbe contains jJOg of white pream. ; ;
Marketing Authorisation Holder:
Reckitt Benckiser (UK) Ltd, Slough, SL1 3UH, UK. i
! Manufacturer: fleckitt Benckifcer Healthcarp (UK) Limited,
Dansom Lane, Hull, ;HU8 7DS, UK. ; ;
! Leaflet last revised August 2010.! ! !
; pl 19718/0001 ! ! ! !
Ink Et
Varnish Free
L _ _Q2976j08