Draft List Of References For Assessment Of

European Medicines Agency
London, 12 November 2009 Doc. Ref.: EMA/HMPC/246817/2009
Euphrasiae herba
Euphrasia officinalis L.and Euphrasia rostkoviana Hayne, herba
(eyebright herb)
The EMEA acknowledges that copies of the underlying works used to produce this monograph were provided^ for research only with exclusion of any commercial purpose._
Anonymus. Ergänzungsbuch zum Deutschen Arzneibuch. Deutsche Apotheker-Verlag 6. Ausgabe (Neudruck) 1953; 127
Anonymus. Augentrostkraut. DAC 2003; A192, 1-4
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Anonymus. Observational study: WALA Euphrasia eyedrops for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Schweiz Z GanzheitsMed 2007; 19 (1): 12-13
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Porchezhian E., Ansari SH., Shreedharan NK. Antihyperglycemic activity of Euphrasia officinale leaves. Fitoterapia 2000; 71 (5): 522-526
Schulze K., Diepenbrock F. Kommentar zum Ergänzungsbuch, Deutscher Apotheker-Verlag, Berlin 1944: 6. Ausgabe, 245-246
Stoffel L., Zimmermann D., Hunkeler R., et al. Euphrasia-Augentropfen bei Neugeborenen: Ein Pilotprojekt. Schweiz Z GanzheitsMed 2007; 19 (5): 254-259
Stoss M., Michels C., Peter E., et al. Prospective cohort trial of Euphrasia single-dose eye drops in conjunctivitis. J Altern Complement Med 2000; 6 (6): 499-508
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Weiss R.F., Fintelmann V. Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie. Hippokrates: Stuttgart, 1999; 352-423 (ISBN 978-3-8304-5345-1)
Wichtl M. Herbal drugs and phytopharmaceuticals: A handbook for practice on a scientific basis. CRC press: Stuttgart, 1994; 195-196 (ISBN 0-8493-7192-9)
Articles read, but not used in the assessment
Adams M., Gmunder F., Hamburger M. Plants traditionally used in age related brain disorders -A survey of ethnobotanical literature. J Ethnopharmacol 2007; 113 (3): 363-381
Anonymus. Eyebright. Nomen est omen. Praxis 1994; 94 (16): 662
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Fraunfelder F.W. Ocular side effects from herbal medicines and nutritional supplements. Am J Ophtalmol 2004; 138 (4): 639-647
Heimans E., Heinsiius HW., Thijsse Jac.P. Gei'llustreerde flora van Nederland. Versluys Uitg. Almere, 879-880
Lans C., Georges K., Brown G. Non-experimental validation of ethnoveterinary plants and indigenous knowledge used for backyard pigs and chickens in Trinidad and Tobago. Trop Anim Health Prod 2007; 39 (5): 375-385
Lans C., Turner N., Khan T., et al. Ethnoveterinary medicines used for ruminants in British Columbia, Canada. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed 2007; 3 (11)
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