Gaviscon Cool Liquid
Gaviscon Cool Liquid brings up to 4 hours relief from the pain and discomfort of heartburn and acid indigestion.
Each 10ml of oral suspension contains SOOmg sodium alginate, 267mg sodium bicarbonate and 160mg calcium carbonate as the active ingredients. This product is sugar fine and gluten free. You can take this product if you are pregnant or breast
For oral use. Shake well before use.
Adults and children 12 years and over: Take 10 - 20ml (two to four Sml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime. Children 6 to 12 years: Take 5 - 10ml (one to two 5ml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime. Children under 6 years: Not recommended. Contains sodium, methyl (E218) and propyl (E216) parahydroxybenzoates.
See leaflet for further information. Do not use this medicine after the expiry date (EXP: month/year) shown. Do not store above 30°C. Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Peel here. Do not remove
v . ih'A'l'.1 .1 Manufacturer: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd.,] •—*—**—**•»*** Hull, jju8 7DS ^ PL Holder in UK: Hamol Limited, 103-105 Bath Road, ]
Slough, Berkshire, SL13UH J ^ | I PL01839/0003

(Sodium alginate Sodium hydrogen carbonate fcalcium carbonate
please read this leaflet careMy before you take this medicine. If you are not sure about anything ask your pharmacist or doctor.
What is Gaviscon Cool Liquid and what is it used for?
paviscon Cool Liquid brings fist, soothing and up to 4 hours relief from the pain and
It can be used to treat gastric reflux (a Condition in which the add stomach contents flow upwards into the foodpipe) and flatulence caused by gastric reflux. It belongs
"Before uaneGaviscnn CooILjaukT Do not take this product if
• you know that you are allergic to any of the ingredients as very rarely difficulty in breathing and skin rashes have occurred (see further information for a full list of ingredients).
Take special care before treatment with Gaviscon Cool Liquid:
This medicine contains small amounts of sodium (6.2 mmol pa- 10ml). If you have been advised to follow a low sodium (salt) diet consult your doctor before taking this product This product contains methyl (E218) and propyl (E216) parahydroxybenzoates which may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed). You can take this product if you are
[to a group of medicines called 'reflux suppressants'.
Taking Other Medicines
Donottake this product within two hours of
taking other medidnesby mouth as it can interfere with the action of some other medicines. This is especially important if you are taking antihistamines, antibiotics (tetracyclines and quinolones such as norfloxacin), iron preparation, antifimgals such as ketoconazole, digoxin and beta blockers (for heart conditions), penicillamine (commonly for rheumatoid arthritis), glucocorticoid (for inflammatory and autoimmune disorders), neuroleptics (far mental illness), thyroid hormones, chloroquine (for malaria), estramnstine (for prostate cancer) and bisphosphonates (for osteoporosis).
How to take Gaviscon Cool Liquid
Check that the cap seal is unbroken before first using this product For oral use. Shake well before use.
__________________ _3DQ6953.
“Aduflsj including Are elderly andchfldrerT 12 years and over:
Take 10-20ml (two to four 5ml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime, up to four times a day.
Children 6 to 12 years: 5-lQml (one to two 5ml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime, ip to four times a day.
Children under 6 years: Not recommended If you take too much of this product you may
but please consult your doctor or pharmacist If you forget a dose, do not double the dose next time, just cany on taking as before.
After taking Gaviscon Cool Liquid: if
symptoms persist after 7 days consult your doctor.
Possible side effects
Very rarely (less than 1 in 10,000 patients
treated) an allergic reaction to the ingredients
may occur. Symptoms of this mayinclude skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue orthroatffyouexperiencetheseoranyother side-effects stop taldng the product and consult your doctor immediately.
If you gk any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at "". By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
How to store Gaviscon Cool Liquid Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.
Do not use after the expiry dale shown on the pack (EXP/ month/year). Do not store above
30°C.T5o not refrigerate or freeze.
Further information
Each 10ml oral suspension contains 500 mg sodium alginate, 267 mg sodium bicarbonate and 160 mg calcium carbonate as the active ingredients. The other ingredients are carbomer, methyl (E218) and propyl (E216) parahydroxybenzoates, sodium saccharin, mint flavour and water.
This product is sugar and gluten flee. Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd., Hull, HU87DS PL Holder in UK: Hamol Limited,
Slough, SL13UH
Text last revised: January 2014
Gaviscon and the sword and circle are
Gaviscon Cool Liquid brings up to 4 hours relief from
the pain and discomfort of heartburn and acid ( T )
indigeRilh. * • • • •• • • •vJL'
• iSbh l(#il of oral susfRnsioif contains SOOmg "arum alginate, 267mg sodium bicarbjfigp atd 16Qpg cafcnum carbonate as the active ingredients. Thiaprodact a sugar free and gluten free, i You can takdthis pftductflf you are pregnant or breast feeding.
_ Fornral uffi.Jhinte wql Before use.
Adntoynd cHildrm[l Tvey^nnfriver Take 10 - 20ml (two to four Sml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime.
Children 6 to 12 years: Take 5 - 10ml (one to two 5ml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime. Children under 6 years: Not recommended. Contains sodium, methyl (E218) and propyl (E216) parahydroxybenzoates.
See leaflet for further information. Do not use this medicine after the expiry date (EXP: month/year) shown. Do not store above 30°C. Do not refrigerate or freeze.
Peel here. Do not remove
v . ih'A'l'.1 .1 Manufacturer: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd.,] •—*—**—**•»*** Hull, jju8 7DS ^ PL Holder in UK: Hamol Limited, 103-105 Bath Road, ]
Slough, Berkshire, SL13UH J ^ | I PL01839/0003

[Sodium alginate Sodium hydrogen carbonate fcalcium carbonate
please read this leaflet careMy before you take this medicine. If you are not sure about anything ask your pharmacist or doctor.
What is Gaviscon Cool Liquid and what is it used for?
paviscon Cool Liquid brings fist, soothing and up to 4 hours relief from the pain and
It can be used to treat gastric reflux (a Condition in which the add stomach contents flow upwards into the foodpipe) and flatulence caused by gastric reflux. It belongs
"Before uaneGaviscon CooILjaukT Do not take this product if
• you know that you are allergic to any of the ingredients as very rarely difficulty in breathing and skin rashes have occurred (see further information for a M list of ingredients).
Take special care before treatment with Gaviscon Cool Liquid:
This medicine contains small amounts of sodium (6.2 mmol pa- 10ml). If you have been advised to follow a low sodium (salt) diet consult your doctor before taking this product This product contains methyl (E218) and propyl (E216) parahydroxybenzoates which may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed). You can take this product if you are
[to a group of medicines called 'reflux suppressants'.
Taking Other Medicines
Donottake this product within two hours of
taking other moEcinesby mbutlf as it can interfere with the action of some other medicines. This is especially important if you are taking antihistamines, antibiotics (tetracyclines and quinolones such as norfloxacin), iron preparation, anfltimgals such as ketoconazole, digoxin and beta blockers (for heart conditions), penicillamine (commonly for rheumatoid arthritis), glucocorticoid (for inflammatory and autoimmune disorders), neuroleptics (far mental illness), thyroid hormones, chloroquine (for malaria), estramustine (for prostate cancer) and bisphosphonates (for osteoporosis).
How to take Gaviscon Cool Liquid
Check that the cap seal is unbroken before first using this product For oral use. Shake well before use.
__________________ _3DQ6953.
”Adufls( including the elderty aridchiHreh-12 years and over:
Take 10-20ml (two to four 5ml spoonfuls) after meals and at bedtime, up to four times a day.
Children 6 to 12 years: 5-10ml (one to two 5ml spoonfuls) alter meals and at bedtime, ip to four times a day.
Children under 6 years: Not recommended If you take too much of this product you may
but please consult your doctor or pharmacist If you forget a dose, do not double foe dose next time, just cany on taking as before.
After taking Gaviscon Cool Liquid: if
symptoms persist after 7 days consult your doctor.
Possible side effects
Very rarely (less than 1 in 10,000 patients
treated) an allergic reaction to the ingredients
may occur. Symptoms of this may "include skin rash, itching, difficulty breathing, dizziness, or swelling of foe face, lips, tongue or foroatlfyou experience these or any other side-effects stop taking the product and consult your doctor immediately.
If you gk any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet You can also report side effects directly via foe Yellow Card Scheme at "". By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on foe safety of this medicine.
How to store Gaviscon Cool Liquid Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.
Do not use after foe expiry date shown on the pack (EXP/ month/year). Do not store above
30°C.T5o not refrigerate or freeze.
Further information
Each 10ml oral suspension contains 500 mg sodium alginate, 267 mg sodium bicarbonate and 160 mg calcium carbonate as foe active ingredients. The other ingredients are carbomer, methyl (E218) and propyl (E216) parahydroxybenzoates, sodium saccharin, mint flavour and water. This product is sugar and gluten flee. Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Ltd., Hull, HU87DS PL Holder in UK: Hamol Limited,
Slough, SL13UH
Text last revised: January 2014
Gaviscon and foe sword and circle are