Hc45 Hydrocortisone Cream


^.POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Mayauselocafskin reactions. If anything unusual happens, stop using the product. If you get jany side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This linaudes any possible side effects not listed above.

'You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card [Scheme at (UK) or via i (Ireland). By reporting side effects, you can 'help provide more information on the safely of this medicine. i.HOWTO STORE THIS MEDICINE: Store below 25°C.


Effective treatment for itching, irritation and inflammation due to:

6.FURTHER INFORMATION: Hc45 is a white cream containing \ Hydrocortisone Acetate 1 % w/w as the active ingredient and white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, phencnyethanol, purified water, [ cetomacrogol emulsifying wax with cetostearyl alcohoL    i

PL holder Redeitt Bendciser Healthcare (UK) Ltd, SL14AQ.    j

PL 00063/0647    i

PA holder: Reckitt Benckiser Ireland Ltd.,    [

Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. PA 979/45/1    i

Manufacturer BCM Ltd, NG2 3AA, UK. Text revised: October 2014 [

hydrocortisone acetate cream

Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% w/w

Treatment for Eczema, Dermatitis & Insect Bites

T.WHATHcfilS USED FOR: Rc4Sworks By altering the Body's Do not use on the eyes7face, anafor genitafareas, on Broken skiir responses to inflammatory reactions due to irritant contact    or infected skin, e.g impetigo, cold sores, acne or athlete's foot '

[dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, insect bites and mild to    Do not use in pregnancy or in children under 10 without

moderate eczema.    medical advice.

^.BEFORE YOU USE Hc45: Use this medicine only on your skin. Check that the tube seal is intact before first use, then remove it Do not cover with a dressing Do not use if allergic to any of the 3.HOWTO USE Hc45: Use sparingly on small skin areas, once Ingredients. Contains Cetostearyl Alcohol which may cause local or twice a day for a maximum of 7 days, skin reactions (eg. contact dermatitis).    If the condition does not improve, consult your doctor.

^.POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Mayauselocafskin reactions. If ppens, stop usingthe product. Ifyou get Tjhffmacist or nurse, mis

janyside flfects, ilWo youWoflb Wtfmacist or i linaudes fl^ossible side cftcts rift liste Above.

'You can also report sidefffects directly via the Yellow Lara uk/y||lowqgl ilKj^rvia, gprtingfjde effects, yq^cai

'You can also report side

[Scheme http^/vuwr^lu.^.us/wiuwiqip    via q

ihttp://w\^v4Pra-ie#elan^ Bytf^aprting^jde effects, yqg cc* 'help provide moa formation m the safety of this madicinei i.HOWTO STORE THIS MEDICINE: Store below 25°C.


6.FURTHER INFORMATION: Hc45 is a white cream containing \ Hydrocortisone Acetate 1 % w/w as the active ingredient and white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, phenonyethanol, purified water, [ cetomacrogol emulsifying wax with cetostearyl alcohoL i PL holder Reckitt Bendciser Healthcare (UK) Ltd, SL14AQ.    j

PL 00018/064*    • •    •• •

*hHdlhRikittB4lckiserlrellhdLtd.f •    j

Cityflfest Business Cfhpus, AblinS PA 979/45/1    i

Manufacturer BCM Ltd, NG2 3AA, UK. Text revised: October 2014 [


Effective treatment for itching, irritation and inflammation due to: ••• • • ••

hydrocortisone acetate cream

Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% w/w

Treatment for Eczema, Dermatitis & Insect Bites

[T.WHATHoGlS USED FOR: RcdSworks by altering the body's Do not use on the eyes7face, anafor genitafareas, on Broken skiir responses to inflammatory reactions due to irritant contact    or infected skin, e.g impetigo, cold sores, acne or athlete's foot '

[dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, insect bites and mild to    Do not use in pregnancy or in children under 10 without

moderate eczema.    medical advice.

^.BEFORE YOU USE Hc45: Use this medicine only on your skin. Check that the tube seal is intact before first use, then remove it Do not cover with a dressing Do not use if allergic to any of the 3.HOWTO USE Hc45: Use sparingly on small skin areas, once Ingredients. Contains Cetostearyl Alcohol which may cause local or twice a day for a maximum of 7 days, skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis).    If the condition does not improve, consult your doctor.

TBR1115-H3-D0086516 - English

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CUSTOMER INFO: Minimum Point Size = 6.00pt

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Effective treatment for itching, irritation and inflammation due to:


Insect bites Mild to moderate Detergent hands Nickel allergy Plant allergy





Q_ Ll_

^    ^ hydrocortisone

AORA acetate cream

Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% w/w

Treatment for Eczema, Dermatitis & Insect Bites

1. WHATHc4S IS USED FOR: Hc45 works by altering the body's Responses to inflammatory reactions due to irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, insect bites and mild to Moderate eczema.

2. BEFORE YOU USE Hc45: Use this medicine only on your skin [to cover the affected area. Do notcoverwith a dressing. Do not use if alleigic to any of the ingredients. Contains Cetostearyl [Alcohol which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis}. _

Do not use on the eyes, face, anal or genital areas, on broken skir or infected skin, e.g impetigo, cold sores, acne, athletes foot or infected bites and stings. Do not use in pregnancy, bieast-feeding or on children under 10 without medical advice.

Check that the tube seal is intact before first use, then remove it. 3.HOWTO USE Hc45: Use sparingly on small skin areas, once or twice a day for a maximum of 7 days.

Jf the condjtion does nqt improye^consult your doctor _

^.POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Maycauselocarsldn reactions. If” [anything unusual happens, stop using the product. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This 'includes any possible side effects not listed above.

[You can also report side effects directly via theYellow Card 'Scheme at:^ellowcard (UK) or via [ (Ireland). By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine. '5.HOWTO STORE THIS MEDICINE: Store below 25°C [KEEP OUTOFTHE SIGHT AND REACH OF CHILDREN

33>dd HSIN^VA $ >iNI

6,FURTHER INFORMATION: Hc45 is a white cream containing Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% w/w as the active ingredient and white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, phenoxyethanol, purified water, cetomaaogol emulsifying wax with cetostearyl alcohol

PL 00063/0647

PA holder Reckitt Benckiser Ireland Ltd.,

Otywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. PA979/45/1 Manufacturer: RB Healthcare (UK) Ltd, HU8 7DS, UK. Text revised: January 2015

TBR1965-D0121087 - English


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H_ Number C Sign



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P a:

Effective treatment for itching, irritation and inflammation due to: i m m

Insect bites    MilcSsModerate [®terger#iands Nick^allergv# Pl#t allergy I


Pharmacode Reads This Way


acetate cream

Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% w/w

Treatment for Eczema, Dermatitis & Insect Bites

1. WHATHc4S IS USED FOR: Hc45 works by altering the body's Responses to inflammatory reactions due to irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, insect bites and mild to Moderate eczema.

2. BEFORE YOU USE Hc45: Use this medidne only on your skin [to cover the affected area. Do notcoverwith a dressing. Do not use if alleigic to any of the ingredients. Contains Cetostearyl [Alcohol which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis}. _

Do not use on the eyes, face, anal or genital areas, on broken skin or infected skin, e.g impetigo, cold sores, acne, athletes foot or infected bites and stings. Do not use in pregnancy, bieast-feeding or on children under 10 without medical advice.

Check that the tube seal is intact before first use, then remove it. 3.HOWTO USE Hc45: Use sparingly on small skin areas, once or twice a day for a maximum of 7 days.

Jf the condjtion does nqt improye^consult your doctor _

^.POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Maycauselocarsldn reactions. If” [anything unusual happens, stop using the product. If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pnarmaast or nurse. This 'includes any possible side effects not listed above.

[You can also report side effects directly via theYellow Card 'Scheme at:^ellowcard (UK) or via [ (Ireland). By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine. '5.HOWTO STORE THIS MEDICINE: Store below 25°C [KEEP OUTOFTHE SIGHT AND REACH OF CHILDREN 6,FURTHER INFORMATION: Hc45 is a white cream containing Hydrocortisone Acetate 1% w/w as the active ingredient and white soft paraffin, liquid paraffin, phenoxyethanol, purified water, cetomaaogol emulsifying wax with cetostearyl alcohol

PL 00063/0647

PA holder Reckitt Benckiser Ireland Ltd.,

Otywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. PA979/45/1

Manufacturer: RB Healthcare (UK) Ltd, HU8 7DS, UK. Text revised: January 2015





33>dd HSIN^VA $ >iNI

TBR1965-D0121087 - English

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He “4 5



69.0 mm

Treatment for Eczema, Dermatitis & Insect Bites

hydrocortisone acetate cream

Hydrocortisone Ac-etate-1 %w/w

Dkections: Check that tube neck seal is intact before first use. Use sparingly on pnall areas, once or twice a day, for a maximum of 7 days.

Precautions: Do not use on eyes or face, anal or genital areas, or on broken or infected skin; e.g. impetigo, cold sores, acne, athlete's foot or infected bites and Stings. May cause local slon reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis). Do not use in jpregnancy, breast-feeding or on children under 10 without medical advice.

Jf symptoms persist talk toyour doctor. Active ingredient Hydrocortisone Acetate, ,1.0% w/w. Also contains: White Soft Paraffin, (StomacrogoIErinuIslMng Wax    o

(indudesCetostearylAlcohol), Liquid Paraffin, Phenoxyethanol, Purified Water. -1 KEEP ALL MEDICINES OUT OFTHE SIGHT AND REACH OF CHILDREN D | USE THIS MEDICINE ONLY ON YOUR SKIN Do not store above 25°C. 'PL Holder (UK): Reddtt Benddser Healthcare (UK) Ltd, SL14AQ. PL 00063/0647 |PA Holder (Irt): Reddtt Benddser (Ireland) Ltd., Dublin 24. PA 979/4571