Hedex Extra

Document: leaflet MAH BRAND_PL 02855-0069 change


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•    if you have ever had an allergic reaction to paracetamol, caffeine or to any of the other ingredients (listed in Section 6)

•    if you are taking other medicines containing paracetamol.



Paracetamol + Caffeine



Please read right through this leaflet before you start using this medicine.

This medicine is available without prescription, but you still need to use Hedex Extra tablets carefully to get the best results from them.

•    Keep this leaflet, you may need to read it again.

•    If you have any questions, or if there is anything you do not understand, ask your pharmacist.

In this leaflet:

1.    What Hedex Extra does

2.    Check before you take Hedex Extra

3.    How to take Hedex Extra

4.    Possible side effects

5.    How to store Hedex Extra

6.    Further information

1. What Hedex Extra does

Hedex Extra can provide extra relief from headache including migraine.

They can also relieve backache, rheumatic and muscle pain, toothache, sore throat, period pain, and relieve the fever, aches and pains of colds and flu.

The tablets contain two active ingredients. Paracetamol is a painkiller and also reduces your temperature when you have a fever. Caffeine acts to further help the effectiveness of paracetamol.

Ask your doctor before you take this medicine:

• if you have liver or kidney disease, including alcoholic liver disease.

If you are taking other medicines

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking these tablets if you are taking any prescribed medicines; particularly metoclopramide or domperidone (for nausea [feeling sick] or vomiting [being sick]) or colestyramine (to lower blood cholesterol). If you take blood thinning drugs (anticoagulants e.g. warfarin) and

you need to take a pain reliever on a daily basis, talk to your doctor because of the risk of bleeding. But you can still take occasional doses of Hedex Extra at the same time as anticoagulants.

Pregnancy and breast feeding

Due to the caffeine content of this product it should not be used if you are pregnant or breast feeding.







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