Lyclear Creme Rinse

Lyclear is a trade mark
Read all ofthis leaflet carefully because it contains important information foryou. This medicine is available without prescription. However, you still need to use Lyclear Creme Rinse carefully to get the best results from it.
• Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again.
• Ask your pharmacist if you need more information or advice.
• You must contact a doctor if the symptoms worsen or do not improve.
• If any ofthe side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist straightaway.
In this Leaflet
o What Lyclear Creme Rinse is and what it is used for 0 Before you use Lyclear Creme Rinse @ How to use Lyclear Creme Rinse 0 Possible side effects 0 Storing Lyclear Creme Rinse 0 Further information 0 Health guide on Head lice
1. What Lyclear Creme Rinse is and what is it used for
Lyclear Creme Rinse is used as a treatment to get rid of head lice and their eggs. It contains the ingredient permethrin which belongsto a group of medicines called pyrethroids which kill insects such as head lice.
Lyclear Creme Rinse is for use in adults and children over 6 months of age.
2. Before you use Lyclear Creme Rinse
Do not use this medicine if:
• you are allergic (hypersensitive) to anyofthe ingredients of Lyclear Creme Rinse (see section 6) orto other pyrethroids.
Take special care with Lyclear Creme Rinse
If you are a healthcare worker who regularlyuses Lyclear Creme Rinse on patients, you should consider wearing glovestoavoid possible irritation to your hands.
If you have asthma - Lyclear Creme Rinse may be used normally, however talk to your doctor or pharmacist before commencingtreatment if you have any particular concerns. Ifthechild is lessthan six months old thetreatment should onlybe carried out having been given medical advice.
If you colour or perm your hair because the effect of this product on hair colourants and perms has not been studied, but there have been some extremely rare complaints about its affect on permed or coloured hair. It is therefore a good idea to apply Lyclear to asmall section of hair before treating the entire head.
If a child is doing their own treatment with Lyclear, it should be under adult supervision. There is no reason to changeyour normal hair washing routines following treatment. Takingother medicines
Lyclear Creme Rinse is not known to interact with any medicines.
Pregnancy and breast feeding
As with all medicines, if you are pregnant or breast feeding, consult your doctor before using Lyclear Creme Rinse.
Important information about some of the ingredients of Lyclear Creme Rinse
Lyclear Creme Rinse contains methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216) and Sunset Yellow (E110) which maycause allergic reactions (possibly delayed). Also contains cetyl alcohol and propylene glycol which may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis).
The active ingredient of Lyclear Creme Rinse (permethrin) is not affected by chlorine in swimming pools, so normal swimming activities may continue after use.
Like other products used for the treatment of head lice, resistance can occur.
Check for head lice one week after treatment, if living lice arefound, thetreatment should be repeated. If after 14 days it is clearthat the infestation is still active, it is recommended to use another product with a different active.
3. How to use Lyclear Creme Rinse
Not to be swallowed. For external use only.
Lyclear Creme Rinse should not irritate the eyes but it is best to avoid it coming into contact with the eyes. Rinse with plentyof cold water immediatelyshould this happen.
O Shampoothe hair with a mild shampoo. Do not use combined shampoo-conditioner or a medicated shampoo. Rinse thoroughly and towel dryso that the hair remains damp.
0 After shaking the bottlethoroughly, apply sufficient Lyclear Creme Rinseto saturate the hair, roots and scalp. Work methodicallythrough the hair and remember to pay particular attention to the areas behind the ears and around the napeof the neck. For the majority of individuals all of the contents of this pack will be required to ensure that the hair and scalp are well saturated.
0 Leave Lyclear Creme Rinse on the hair for 10 minutes. An application for longer than 10 minutes will not give better results, but a full 10 minutes is required.

© Rinse thoroughly with water. After the final rinse and while the hair is still wet, use the comb provided in the pack to remove the lice and eggs. Comb the hair in sections from the roots and work over the whole head in this way. Normal hair drying routines can then be followed.

One bottle of Lyclear Creme Rinse is usuallysufficient to treat one person with shoulder length hair of average thickness, a little more may be required if the person’s hair is especially thick or long. It is unlikely that more than 2 bottles will be required per application. If necessary, a second application can be done 7 days after the first application. If after 14 daysthe infestation is active, it is best to switch to another active product.
If one member of the family needs treatment, it is important to check the rest of the family for head lice, but onlythose infested should betreated.
If youuse too much:
Ifyou accidentally applytoo much Lyclear Creme Rinse, rinse thoroughly with water. If the contents of the bottle are swallowed, get medical advice from your doctor or the Accident and Emergency Department immediately.
Lyclear Creme Rinse is a light orange coloured cream. Lyclear Creme Rinse is available in packs of one ortwo 59 ml bottles. Included in the pack is a fine toothed comb which can be used to remove lice and eggs after treatment with Lyclear. Active substances: Permethrin (1% w/w)
Other ingredients: 20% w/w isopropanol, stearalkonium chloride, cetyl alcohol, ceteth-10 (polyoxyl 10 cetyl ether), hydroxyethylcellulose, hydrolysed animal protein, methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), balsam fir canada, propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216), fragrance 06.070, propylene glycol, sunset yellow (E110), anhydrous citric acid and purified water.
Marketing Authorisation Holder
Omega Pharma Ltd., 1st Floor, 32 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA,
United Kingdom.
Send all enquiries to this address.
Manufactured by Medgenix Benelux n.v., Vliegveld 21, BE-8560Wevelgem, Belgium Lyclear is a registered trademark.
Date of Revision: 12/2015.
Like all medicines Lyclear Creme Rinse mayhave some possible side-effects. Occasionally skin irritation, rednessor rash mayoccur. However side-effects are not common and when theyoccurthey are usually mild and cannot always be distinguished from the head lice infestation itself.
Reporting of side effects:
Ifyou get any side effects, talktoyour doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
Do not store above 25°C. Keep container in the outer carton. Keep out ofthe sight and reach of children. Do not use Lyclear Creme Rinse afterthe date (month and year) printed after "Exp" on the carton. Ifthe expiry date has passed, takethe product backtoyour pharmacist for safe disposal.
Interesting facts about head lice
It is estimated that up to half a million children catch head lice each year. Also as with the common cold, anyone can catch head lice. So if someone in your family catches head lice, they are not alone, and it is certainly nothing to be ashamed about!
What areheadlice?
Head lice are small insects (their size can vary depending on the stage of their development, but adults are usually between 2-3 mm long when fully grown) which vary in colourfrom greyish white to brown. They like to set up home in a warm head of human hair and have no preference for the type of hair, be it brunette or blonde, straight or curly, clean or dirty, head lice are not fussy.
There is onlyone way for head lice to pass from one individual to another and this is by head to head contact. Head lice cannot jump, hop or fly from one person to another, and it is also unlikelyforthem to be passed on through things like towels, combs and chair backs.
Head lice spend most of theirtime on or nearthe scalp asthey need warmth to survive. They grip on tothe hair by means of special claws and feed on the scalp by sucking blood.
The female louse will lay up to 8 oval shaped eggs every night, gluing them to the base of individual hairs. After about seven days a young louse (nymph) emerges, leaving behind it a white egg shell. These white egg shells remain glued tothe hair and are known as nits. The nymph will begin feeding in the same way as the adult and within about 10 days will be mature and capableof breeding.
What tolook for
Due to their size, colour and rapid movement, head lice are difficult to see. The eggs (creamybrown) are a little easier to spot and will be found attached to individual hairs near to the scalp. In contrast, the white nits can often be seen further from the scalp, this is because as the hair grows the nits (which are still glued to the hair shaft) move with it.
The best wayto find head lice and their eggs is to run a fine-toothed combthrough damp parted hair looking carefullyfor evidence of lice. Signs to look for include faeces, cast skins or dead lice.
Louse faeces appear as black flecks like dust, often this is rubbed onto collars or the pillow at night resulting in shirts and bed clothes becoming dirty more quickly than usual.
How to preventheadlice
Stepsthat can betaken to reducethe possibility of an infection include:
© Check whole family’s hair using a fine toothed detection comb on a regular basis, for any signs of head lice. If live head lice are found it is important to tracethe source of the original infection. This maybe someone well known to the family, but who maynot be awarethat theyhave head lice. Ifthis person is not identified and treated, others can be quicklyinfected, sometimes within hours after treatment.
© Ifachild in your fa milyis found to have lice, please inform their school, other parents, Health Visitor and School Nurse.
Getting the best from this treatment
In most cases a singletreatment is sufficient to eliminate head lice. Use of hair mousses, gels, sprays, 2 in 1 shampoos and conditioners immediatelybefore treatment mayreduce its effectiveness.
Lice may continue to move or twitch up to 24 hours after treatment, this is normal and not a sign of treatment failure.
There is potential for head lice to develop resistance to treatments. If you detect live lice during the 7 days after the first application, a second treatment should be given on day 7. If furthertreatments are required consult a doctor or pharmacist, continual repetitive treatment should be avoided.