Rehydration Treatment

i Read all of this leaflet carefully because it 1 contains important information for you.
| This medicine is available without prescription to i treat minor conditions. However, you still need to 1 take it carefully to get the best results from it.
] • Keep this leaflet, you may need to read it again i • Ask your pharmacist if you need more information i or advice
1 • You must contact a doctor if your symptoms | worsen or do not improve after 24 to 48 hours
; What this medicine is for
i This medicine contains Glucose and various salts 1 which belong to a group of medicines called oral | electrolytes which act to replace lost fluids and salts. 1 It can be used to relieve short term (acute)
] diarrhoea and replace lost salts and fluids, in order i to prevent dehydration.
! Before you take this medicine
i This medicine can be taken by adults and children ] over 1 year old. However, some people should not , take this medicine or should seek the advice of i their pharmacist or doctor first.
| Children under 1 year of age should not be given i this medicine unless advised to do so by a doctor.
1 If a young child (particularly one under 6 months of ] age) has diarrhoea and/or sickness advice should i be sought from a pharmacist, doctor or other i healthcare professional. If the diarrhoea and/or 1 sickness is severe the child should be seen by a | doctor as soon as possible.
)<Do not take:
i • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients 1 • If you are severely dehydrated | • If you have a partial or full blockage i (obstruction) of the bowel 1 • If you have phenylketonuria (this medicine | contains aspartame, a source of phenylalanine) i • If you have an intolerance to some sugars, i unless a doctor tells you to (each sachet of !_ _rnedic|ne contains 3.58 g of glucose^ _
! Talk to your pharmacist or doctor:
• If you have liver problems
• If you have kidney problems, including producing little or no urine
• If you have severe and persistent diarrhoea and sickness
• If you are unable to drink fluids, or are unable to keep fluids down
• If you have diabetes
• If you are on a low salt (sodium) diet (each sachet contains 276 mg of sodium, which may be harmful to you)
• If you are on a low potassium diet (each sachet contains 157 mg of potassium, which may be harmful to you)
You can take this medicine if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Other important information
Infants over 1 year of age with severe diarrhoea and/or sickness can be given this medicine but should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible.
If symptoms persist for more than 24 to 48 hours, you should talk to your doctor or pharmacist as other treatment may be needed. Severe and persistent diarrhoea and/or sickness should be treated under medical supervision.
If you take other medicines
This medicine is not expected to affect any other medicines that you may be taking.
If you are unsure about interactions with any medicines, talk to your pharmacist. This includes medicines prescribed by your doctor and medicine you have bought for yourself, including herbal and homeopathic remedies.
/How to take this medicine
Check the sachet is not broken before use. If it is, do not take the sachet.
To prepare the medicine
1 .Mix the contents of each sachet with 200 ml (seven fluid ounces) of fresh drinking water. For infants use only freshly boiled and cooled water at all times.
2. For adults when fresh drinking water is not available use freshly boiled and cooled water.
3. Prepare the sachet only as needed and drink within one hour once made up. If required the refrigerated solution may be kept for 24 hours.
4.0nly use water to make up the contents of the sachet. Make sure you use the right amount of water (i.e. 200 ml for one sachet, 400 ml for two sachets). This is to make sure the salt and water can be absorbed into the body correctly.
Drink the solution.
Age |
How many |
How often to take them |
Adults and children of 12 years and over |
1 or 2 sachets dissolved in water |
After each loose bowel movement |
Children of 1 to 11 years |
1 sachet dissolved in water |
After each loose bowel movement |
Infants under 1 year: Do not give this medicine unless a doctor tells you to. Follow your doctors instructions and ask your pharmacist if you need more information. If needed stop all solid and liquid feeds. Over the first 24 hours give one to one and a half times the normal feed volume that your baby takes at each feed.
Breastfed infants: Give this medicine at normal feed times only. Then breastfeed until the infant is no longer hungry.
Bottle fed infants: Stop all feeds. Give this medicine at normal feed times only.
As diarrhoea improves re-introduce normal diet.
Do not take or give more than the amount recommended above.
Do not take this medicine for more than 24 to 48 hours. If your diarrhoea does not go away within 24 to 48 hours talk to your doctor.
If you take too many sachets: Talk to your jDharmacisJ or docton _
Possible side effects
This medicine is not expected to cause side effects. If you notice any side effects talk to your pharmacist or doctor.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
How to store this medicine
Store below 25°C. Store in a dry place.
Keep this medicine in a safe place out of the sight and reach of children, preferably in a locked cupboard.
Use by the date on the end flap of the carton.
What is in this medicine
Each sachet contains Citric Acid Anhydrous 0.128 g, Glucose Monohydrate 3.58 g, Potassium Chloride 0.3 g, Sodium Chloride 0.47 g, Sodium Citrate Dihydrate 0.39 g which are the active ingredients.
As well as the active ingredients the sachets also contain aspartame (E951, a source of phenylalanine), colloidal silicon dioxide, blackcurrant flavourings.
The pack contains 6, 10 or 12 sachets containing granules.
Who makes this medicine
Manufactured for The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA by the Marketing Authorisation Flolder Wrafton Laboratories Limited Braunton Devon EX33 2DL Leaflet prepared September 2013 If you would like any further information about this medicine, please contact The Boots Company PLC Nottingham NG2 3AA