Temgesic Injection 1ml

Read all of this leaflet carefully before you start using this medicine. j
>- Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again.
If you have any further questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist. j i- This medicine has been prescribed for you. Do not pass it on to
L _others. Jt may harm them, even if their symptoms are the same as___j
] yours.
r If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects !
| not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist. j
1. What Temgesic is and what it is used for
[2. Before you use Temgesic Injection I
j3. Howto use Temgesic Injection 4. Possible side effects
|5. How to store Temgesic Injection j
6. Further information
Temgesic Injection 1 ml is a strong pain killer that helps lessen j
moderate or severe pain.
If you are allergic (hypersensitive) to buprenorphine, to any of the other i [ingredients of Temgesic Injection see section 6 'Further Information') or | to other opiates (drugs which are morphine - like in their action).
[Take special care with Temgesic
Before starti_np_treatment with Jemgesjc, contact your doctor jf you:____i____
6 Are or have ever been addicted to medicines or substances; j
» Have problems with your liver;
[• Have breathing problems or are taking medicines which may make !
[ your breathing slower or weaker.
Athletes must be aware that this medicine may cause a positive reaction!
Temgesic should not be taken with:
• Medicines containing gestodene (a hormone); !
• Antibiotic medicines (troleandomycin, rifampicin);
Medicines to treat fungal Infections (ketoconazole);_____i____
• Medicines for depression (norfluoxetine); [
• Medicines for HIV infection (protease inhibitors:
[ ritonavir, indinavir, saquinavir); [
» Medicines for epilespsy (carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital); i» Other opioid medicines. I
[in particular, you should also tell your doctor if you are taking: [
[• Medicines used to treat depression known as monoamine oxidase [ i inhibitors (examples include tranylcypromide, phenelzine);
[• Medicines to help you sleep (for example tranquilisers, hypnotics or [
| sedatives).
jYoirshuutd visityourdoctor regut arty whilst you are taking these------1----
medicines at the same time as Temgesic.
[Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently ! [taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.
Using Temgesic with food and drink
[Do not drink alcohol while you taking this medicine as it may make you [
[feel drowsy.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
You should tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are pregnant or
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine. [ [Driving and using machines !
[If you feel drowsy while taking this medicine do not drive or use [
[The medicine can affect your ability to drive as it may make you sleepy j or dizzy. I
[• Do not drive while taking this medicine until you know how it affects [ i you.
[• It is an offence to drive if this medicine affects your ability to drive. [
• -However-, you-would-not-be committing^ an offenee tft-------------'----
[ o The medicine has been prescribed to treat a medical or dental [ problem and j
i o You have taken it according to the instructions given by the [ prescriber or in the information provided with the medicine and [
1 o It was not affecting your ability to drive safely
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure whether it is safe
[for you to drive while taking this medicine. IND00229
The new driving offence concerning driving after drugs have been taken i [applies in Great Britain. There is further information for patients who arej intending to drive in Great Britain available at:
[https://www.gov.uk/drug-driving-law I
Always take Temgesic exactly as your doctor has told you. You should j check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
- - Oo-not-injectmore-thanyour-doctor has told ^ou-to----------------1-----
Adults and children over 12 years of age
The usual dose is 300 - 600 micrograms of buprenorphine every six to 1 ieight hours, or as required. Inject Temgesic into a muscle or slowly into ! ja vein, as instructed by your doctor. j
Children between 6 years and 12 years of age The dose depends on their weight and your doctor will tell you the icorrect dose for your child. j
[This product will not be given to infants and children under 6 months of[ age.
ifyou take m o re Te mges icl n jerfio nt ha n .you. shout d_______________i_____
[If you accidentally inject too much Temgesic you must get medical help [ at once. Take any remaining medication, the carton and the leaflet with >
[you when seeking medical attention. [
[If you forget to take Temgesic Injection [
[Like all medicines, Temgesic can cause side effects, although not [
everybody gets them.
Although they are rare, these symptoms can be serious.
[- if you get any sudden wheeziness, difficulty breathing, swelling of the [
[ eyelids, face or lips, rash or itching especially those covering your i whole body. These may be signs of an allergic reaction.
[- if you start to to: breathe more slowly or weakly than expected j
1 (respiratory depression)
1- if you start to feel faint, as this may be a sign of low blood pressure. [
[Other side effects that may occur with Temgesic are: [
_ _ • .Effects on_your .stomach _or .intestine: feelingjsick, being, sick_________j_____
» Effects on your bladder: difficulty in urinating.
[• Effects on your eyes: blurred vision. [

[Side effects that may occur when buprenorphine is used a^Institution j treatment are fever, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, dark urine, jyellowing of i [the eyes and skin, difficulty with balance and walking, i tremor and impaired speech. [
[If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice aiyF j side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your do^gor i
- - pr phaFmaeist.-------------------------------
5. HOW TO STORE TEMGESIC INJECTION Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children. [
[Store below 30°C
Store in the original package to protect from light.
Do not use Temgesic Injection after the expiry date which is stated on [the pack (EXP month/year). The expiry date refers to the first day of that [month.
Medicine should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.
Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required.
~ ~ [These measureswfli helptoprotectthe environment.
6. FURTHER INFORMATION What Temgesic Injection contains
[The active substance is 300 micrograms buprenorphine hydrochloride [The other ingredients are dextrose, hydrochloric acid and water for 'injections.
What Temgesic Injection looks like and contents of the pack
[Temgesic Injection comes as 1 ml ampoules and in cartons containing a plastic tray of five ampoules.
Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer ~ ~ [Marketing Authorisation- Holder:
[Indivior UK Limited [103-105 Bath Road [Slough Berkshire [SL1 3UH [Manufacturer:
[Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare (UK) Limited Dansom Lane [Hull, HU8 7DS UK.
[This leaflet waslast revisedln July 2015