Tisseel Ready For Use Solutions For Sealant
TISSEEL Ready to use Solutions for Sealant ▼
Component 1:
Sealer Protein Solution
Human Fibrinogen (Clottable Protein) 91 mg(1)/ml Aprotinin (synthetic) 3000 KIU(2Vml
Component 2:
Thrombin Solution
Human Thrombin 500 IU(3)/ml
Calcium Chloride 40 ^mol/ml
Contained in a total protein concentration of 110.5 mg/ml
2 1 EPU (European Pharmacopoeia Unit) corresponds to 1800 KIU (Kallidinogenase Inactivator Unit)
3 Thrombin activity is calculated using the current WHO International Standard for Thrombin.
For excipients, see section 6.1.
1 prefilled double chamber syringe which contains Sealer Protein Solution (with synthetic Aprotinin), deep frozen 1 ml, 2 ml, or 5 ml, in one chamber and Thrombin Solution (with Calcium Chloride), deep frozen 1 ml, 2 ml, or 5 ml, in the other chamber results in 2 ml, 4 ml, or 10 ml total volume of product ready for use.
Solutions for Sealant
Colourless to pale yellow and clear to slightly turbid solutions.
4.1 Therapeutic indications
Supportive treatment where standard surgical techniques are insufficient
- for improvement of haemostasis (see section 5.1)
- as a tissue glue to promote adhesion/sealing or as suture support:
- in gastrointestinal anastomoses
- in neurosurgery where contact with cerebro-spinal fluid or dura mater may occur
For mesh fixation in hernia repair, as an alternative or adjunct to sutures or staples.
4.2 Posology and method of administration
The use of TISSEEL is restricted to experienced surgeons who have been trained in the use of TISSEEL.
The amount of TISSEEL Ready to use to be applied and the frequency of application should always be oriented towards the underlying clinical needs for the patient.
The dose to be applied is governed by variables including, but not limited to, the type of surgical intervention, the size of the area and the mode of intended application, and the number of applications.
To avoid the formation of excess granulation tissue and to ensure gradual absorption of the solidified fibrin sealant, only a thin layer of TISSEEL Ready to use should be applied.
Application of the product must be individualized by the treating physician. In clinical trials, the individual dosages have typically ranged from 4 to 20 ml. For some procedures, larger volumes may be required.
The initial amount of the product to be applied at a chosen anatomic site or target surface area should be sufficient to entirely cover the intended application area. The application can be repeated, if necessary.
As a guideline for the gluing of surfaces, 1 pack of TISSEEL Ready to use 2 ml (i.e. 1 ml Sealer Protein Solution plus 1 ml Thrombin Solution) will be sufficient for an area of at least 10 cm2.
When TISSEEL Ready to use is applied by spraying, the same quantity will be sufficient to coat considerably larger areas, depending on the specific indication and the individual case.
When TISSEEL Ready to use is used for mesh fixation it may be applied as drops and/or by a spray technique depending on the preference of the surgeon. Usually the drops of TISSEEL are applied where surgeons routinely position staples and the layer of fibrin sealant achieved with spraying allows the entire mesh to be fixed in place without shrinking and folding.
The quantity of TISSEEL Ready to use required for mesh fixation depends on the mesh size selected and the recommended amount is the same for different application techniques. For example, 2-4 ml of reconstituted TISSEEL Ready to use applied as a thin layer is suitable to adequately fix a standard size mesh of approximately 10 x 15 cm.
When using the drop technique surgeons should apply TISSEEL Ready to use at key anchor points for fixing the mesh (e.g. pubic tubercle in inguinal hernia repair) and at the margins of the mesh. Application by spray, either alone or in combination with drops, should cover the mesh uniformly with a thin layer.
In inguinal hernia repair the mesh covering vascular structures and nerves can be fixed with TISSEEL Ready to use alone using drops and/or spray.
Method and route of administration
For epilesional use.
In order to ensure optimal safe use of TISSEEL by spray application the following recommendations should be followed:
In open wound surgery - a pressure regulator device that delivers a maximum pressure of no more than 2.0 bar (28.5 psi) should be used.
In minimally invasive/laparoscopic procedures - a pressure regulator device that delivers a maximum pressure of no more than 1.5 bar (22 psi) and uses carbon dioxide gas only should be used.
Prior to applying TISSEEL the surface area of the wound needs to be dried by standard techniques (e.g. intermittent application of compresses, swabs, use of suction devices).
TISSEEL should only be reconstituted and administered according to the instructions and with the devices recommended for this product (see section 6.6).
For spray application, see sections 4.4 and 6.6 for specific recommendations on the required pressure and distance from tissue per surgical procedure and length of applicator tips.
In surgical procedures that require the use of minimal volumes of fibrin sealant, it is recommended to expel and discard the first few drops of product (see Section 4.4).
4.3 Contraindications
TISSEEL Ready to use must not be applied intravascularly.
Hypersensitivity to the active substances or to any of the excipients (see also section 4.4. Warnings).
TISSEEL Ready to use alone is not indicated for the treatment of active or spurting arterial or venous bleeding which is not controlled by conventional surgical techniques.
4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use
For epilesional use only. Do not apply intravascularly. Soft tissue injection of TISSEEL Ready to use carries the risk of an anaphylactoid reaction and / or local tissue damage.
In two retrospective, non-randomized studies in Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) surgery, patients that received fibrin sealant showed a statistically significant increased risk of mortality. While these studies could not provide a determination of a causal relationship the increased risk associated with the use of TISSEEL Ready to use in these patients cannot be excluded. Therefore, additional care should be taken to avoid inadvertent intravascular administration of this product.
Injection of Sealer Protein and/or Thrombin Solution carries a risk of anaphylactoid reactions. Intravascular and intraventricular administration carries the additional risk of a thromboembolic complication. Both complications may be life-threatening. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that Sealer Protein and/or Thrombin Solution are only applied topically.
Any application of pressurized gas is associated with a potential risk of air or gas embolism, tissue rupture, or gas entrapment with compression, which may be life-threatening.
Apply TISSEEL as a thin layer. Excessive clot thickness may negatively interfere with the product’s efficacy and the wound healing process.
Life-threatening/fatal air or gas embolism has occurred with the use of spray devices employing a pressure regulator to administer fibrin sealants. This event appears to be related to the use of the spray device at higher than recommended pressures and/or in close proximity to the tissue surface. The risk appears to be higher when fibrin sealants are sprayed with air, as compared to CO2 and therefore cannot be excluded with TISSEEL when sprayed in open wound surgery.
When applying TISSEEL using a spray device, be sure to use a pressure within the pressure range recommended by the spray device manufacturer (see table in section 6.6 for pressures and distances).
TISSEEL spray application should only be used if it is possible to accurately judge the spray distance as recommended by the manufacturer. Do not spray closer than the recommended distances.
When spraying TISSEEL, changes in blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation and end tidal CO2 should be monitored because of the possibility of occurrence of air or gas embolism (also see section 4.2).
As with any protein product, allergic type hypersensitivity reactions are possible. Signs of hypersensitivity reactions include hives, generalized urticaria, tightness of the chest, wheezing, hypotension and anaphylaxis. If these symptoms occur, the administration has to be discontinued immediately.
TISSEEL Ready to use contains synthetic aprotinin. Even in the case of strict local application there is a risk of anaphylactic reaction, linked to the presence of aprotinin.
The risk seems higher in case of previous exposure even if it was well tolerated.
Therefore, any use of aprotinin, or aprotinin-containing products, should be recorded in the patients’ records.
As synthetic aprotinin is structurally identical to bovine aprotinin the use of TISSEEL in patients with allergies to bovine proteins should be carefully evaluated.
In case of shock, standard medical treatment for shock should be implemented.
Sealer Protein Solution and Thrombin Solution are made from human plasma. Standard measures to prevent infections resulting from the use of medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma include selection of donors, screening of individual donations and plasma pools for specific markers of infection and the inclusion of effective manufacturing steps for the inactivation / removal of viruses. Despite this, when medicinal products prepared from human blood or plasma are administered, the possibility of transmitting infective agents cannot be totally excluded. This also applies to unknown or emerging viruses or other pathogens.
The measures taken are considered effective for enveloped viruses such as HIV, HBV, and HCV, and for the non-enveloped virus HAV.
The measures taken may be of limited value against small non-enveloped viruses such as parvovirus B19. Parvovirus B19 infection may be serious for pregnant women (foetal infection) and for individuals with immunodeficiency or increased erythropoiesis (e.g. haemolytic anemia).
It is strongly recommended that every time a patient receives a dose of TISSEEL Ready to use, the name and batch number of the product are recorded in order to maintain a record of the batches used.
Adequate data are not available to support the use of this product in application through a flexible endoscope for treatment of bleeding or in vascular surgery.
4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
No formal interaction studies have been performed. Similar to comparable products or thrombin solutions, the product may be denatured after exposure to solutions containing alcohol, iodine or heavy metals (e.g. antiseptic solutions). Such substances should be removed to the greatest possible extent before applying the product.
4.6 Pregnancy and lactation
The safety of fibrin sealants for use in human pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been established in controlled clinical trials. Experimental animal studies are insufficient to assess the safety with respect to reproduction, development of the embryo or fetus, the course of gestation and peri-and postnatal development.
Therefore, the product should be administered to pregnant and lactating women only if clearly needed.
4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines
Not relevant.
4.8 Undesirable effects
Hypersensitivity or allergic reactions (which may include angioedema, burning and stinging at the application site, bradycardia, bronchospasm, chills, dyspnoea, flushing, generalized urticaria, headache, hives, hypotension, lethargy, nausea, pruritus, restlessness, tachycardia, tightness of the chest, tingling, vomiting, wheezing) may occur in rare cases in patients treated with fibrin sealants / haemostatics.
In isolated cases, these reactions have progressed to severe anaphylaxis. Such reactions may especially be seen, if the preparation is applied repeatedly, or administered to patients known to be hypersensitive to aprotinin (see Section 4.4) or any other constituents of the product.
Even if a second treatment with TISSEEL Ready to use was well tolerated, a subsequent administration of TISSEEL or systemic administration of aprotinin may result in severe anaphylactic reactions.
In the event of hypersensitivity reactions the administration has to be discontinued immediately.
Soft tissue injection of TISSEEL Ready to use carries the risk of an anaphylactoid reaction and / or local tissue damage (see Section 4.4).
Reactions to antibodies against components of fibrin sealant / haemostatic products may occur rarely.
Inadvertent intravascular injection could lead to thromboembolic events and disseminated intravascular coagulation, and there is also a risk of anaphylactic reaction (see Section 4.4).
For safety with respect to transmissible agents, see Section 4.4.
The undesirable effects reported in the listing hereafter are based on post-market experience for this type of product. Their frequency has been evaluated by using the following criteria: very common (>1/10), common (>1/100, <1/10), uncommon (>1/1,000, <1/100), rare (>1/10,000, <1/1,000), and very rare (<1/10,000).
The undesirable effects listed below reflect the type of undesirable effects that have been reported with TISSEEL Ready to use.
Their incidence rate is <1/10,000, i.e. very rare.
Cardiac disorders • Bradycardia, Tachycardia
Gastrointestinal disorders
• Nausea
General disorders and administration site disorders
• Hypersensitivity reactions
Immune system disorders
• Anaphylactic reactions, Allergic reactions, Anaphylactic shock, Urticaria
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications • Anaphylactoid reactions
Drop in blood pressure
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastenal disorders
• Dyspnoea
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
• Pruritus
Vascular disorders
• Flush, (severe) Hypotension, Thromboembolic complication
4.9 Overdose
No case of overdose has been reported.
5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Pharmacotherapeutic group: local hemostatics, ATC code: B02BC; tissue adhesives, ATC code: V03A K
The fibrin adhesion system imitates the last phase of physiological blood coagulation. Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin occurs by the splitting of fibrinogen into fibrin monomers and fibrinopeptides. The fibrin monomers aggregate and form a fibrin clot. Factor XIIIa, which is generated from factor XIII by the concerted action of thrombin and calcium ions, stabilizes the clot by the cross-linking of fibrin fibres.
As wound healing progresses, increased fibrinolytic activity is induced by plasmin, and decomposition of fibrin to fibrin degradation products is initiated. Proteolytic degradation of fibrin is inhibited by anti-fibrinolytics. Aprotinin is present in TISSEEL Ready to use as an antifibrinolytic to prevent premature degradation of the clot.
Efficacy in haemostasis has been demonstrated in cardiopulmonary surgery, splenic surgery and neurosurgery.
Use as tissue glue to promote adhesion/sealing or as suture support: Efficacy has been demonstrated in surgeries including gastrointestinal anastomoses and neurosurgical procedures where contact with cerebro-spinal fluid or dura mater can occur.
Clinical studies demonstrating haemostasis, sealing, and tissue adhesion were conducted in at least 4,706 patients. These studies were performed in a multitude of surgical specialties, surgical procedures and applications techniques, including but not limited to haemostasis (n=1300), gastrointestinal anastomoses (n=1,114), neurosurgery (n=511).
21 open and comparative clinical studies have also been conducted in 2625 patients to demonstrate the use of TISSEEL in mesh fixation during inguinal, femoral and incisional hernia repair by various open and laparoscopic techniques. TISSEEL was at least as effective as staples, tacks or sutures in mesh fixation during the repair of inguinal or femoral hernia using all the currently favoured surgical techniques. TISSEEL was at least as effective in repair of incisional hernias when judged by recurrence rates. In addition, the evidence demonstrated that there were no differences in postoperative complications between mesh fixation methods. In several studies the level of postoperative pain was significantly lower in the TISSEEL group.
There is limited experience in children during cardiac surgery (age 4-134 months: n=14).
Fibrin Sealant VH S/D (frozen presentation) was evaluated in a prospective, parallel design, randomized (1:1), double-blind, multicenter clinical study against a previous single virus inactivated formulation of the product, Fibrin Sealant VH (lyophilized presentation), in 317 subjects undergoing cardiac surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and median sternotomy. Patients were treated with Fibrin Sealant VH S/D or the control product only when hemostasis was not achieved by conventional surgical methods. For the endpoint, hemostasis achieved at the primary treatment site within 5 minutes of treatment and maintained until closure of the surgical wound, Fibrin Sealant VH S/D was noninferior to the earlier formulation of the product using a one-sided 97.5% confidence interval on the difference in the proportion of subjects successfully treated.
Hemostasis within 5 minutes and maintained until surgica |
closure | |
Intent to Treat Analysis |
127/144 (88.2%) |
129/144 (89.6%) |
Per Protocol Analysis |
108/123 (87.8%) |
122/135 (90.4%) |
No difference to control groups not receiving Fibrin Sealant VH S/D was observed in an exploratory study in hip joint replacement for postoperative blood loss and in a study in axillary lymph node dissection for duration of axillary drainage.
5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties
Intravascular administration is contraindicated. As a consequence, intravascular pharmacokinetic studies were not performed in man.
Fibrin sealants/hemostatics are metabolized in the same way as endogenous fibrin by fibrinolysis and phagocytosis.
5.3 Preclinical safety data
No preclinical safety data are available for Fibrin Sealant VH S/D on subacute and chronic toxicity, carcinogenicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity or immune stimulation.
Single-dose toxicity studies in rats and rabbits indicated no acute toxicity of Fibrin Sealant VH S/D (frozen presentation). There was no evidence of mutagenicity in appropriate in vitro tests.
Fibrin Sealant VH S/D (frozen presentation) was well tolerated in wound healing models in rats and rabbits.
The Sealer Protein Solutions of Fibrin Sealant VH S/D (frozen and lyophilized presentations) were also well tolerated by in vitro human fibroblast cultures demonstrating cellular compatibility and non-cytotoxicity.
Based on a detailed literature review, toxicity of the residual solvent/detergent reagents (see 6.1) on Fibrin Sealant VH S/D can be essentially excluded.
6.1 List of excipients
Component 1: Sealer Protein Solution
Human Albumin
Polysorbate 80 (Tween 80)
Sodium Citrate Dihydrate Water for Injections
Component 2: Thrombin Solution Human Albumin Sodium Chloride Water for Injections
6.2 Incompatibilities
Sealer Protein and Thrombin Solutions can be denatured following contact with solutions containing alcohol, iodine or heavy metals. Tisseel must not be mixed with other medicinal products
6.3 Shelf life
TISSEEL Ready to use has a shelf life of two years. The expiry date is stated on the package. Shelf life for thawed product see section 6.6.
6.4 Special precautions for storage
Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Store in a freezer (at <18°C). The cold storage chain must not be interrupted until use. Keep TISSEEL Ready to use in the outer carton to protect from light.
Use the thawed solutions within 72 hours. Do not refreeze or refrigerate after thawing.
6.5 Nature and contents of container
Both Sealer Protein Solution and Thrombin Solution are contained in a single-use double-chamber syringe made of polypropylene.
Each pack of TISSEEL Ready to use contains:
• One single-use double-chamber syringe with Sealer Protein Solution 1 ml, 2 ml, or 5 ml, deep-frozen, in one chamber; and Thrombin Solution 1 ml, 2 ml, or 5 ml, deep frozen, in the other chamber.
1) One chamber contains: Component 1 - Sealer Protein Solution Active substances: Human Fibrinogen (Clottable Protein) 72 - 110 mg/ml,
Aprotinin (synthetic) 3000 KlU/ml
2) One chamber contains: Component 2 - Thrombin Solution Active substances: Human Thrombin 500 IU/ml, Calcium Chloride
40 pmol/ml
• One set of application devices (DUO - Set: 2 joining pieces, 4 application needles (blunt), 1 Double syringe plunger)
TISSEEL Ready to use is available in the following pack sizes:
• TISSEEL Ready to use 2 ml
(containing 1 ml of Sealer Protein Solution and 1 ml of Thrombin Solution)
• TISSEEL Ready to use 4 ml
(containing 2 ml of Sealer Protein Solution and 2 ml of Thrombin Solution)
• TISSEEL Ready to use 10 ml
(containing 5 ml of Sealer Protein Solution and 5 ml of Thrombin Solution)
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.
Other accessories for application of the product can be obtained from BAXTER.
6.6 Special precautions for disposal
Before administration of TISSEEL Ready to use care has to be taken that parts of the body outside the desired application area are sufficiently covered to prevent tissue adhesion at undesired sites.
To prevent TISSEEL Ready to use from adhering to gloves and instruments, wet these with sodium chloride solution before contact.
Handling and Preparation
Both the Sealer Protein Solution and the Thrombin Solution are contained in a single-use double-chamber syringe. The nozzles of the pre-filled double-chamber syringe are closed by one tip cap and each barrel of the syringe is closed by a silicone rubber stopper. The entire assembly is packed and hermetically sealed in two sterilized aluminum-plastic-compound bags under aseptic conditions. The inner bag and its contents are sterile unless the integrity of the outside package is compromised.
It is recommended to thaw and warm the two sealant components using a sterile water bath at a temperature of 33 - 37°C. The water bath must not exceed a temperature of 37°C. (In order to control the specified temperature range, the water temperature should be monitored using a thermometer and the water should be changed as necessary. When using a sterile water bath for thawing and warming, the pre-filled double chamber syringe assembly should be removed from the aluminum-plastic bags.)
The protective syringe cap should not be removed until thawing is complete and application tip is ready to be attached. Do not use TISSEEL Ready to use unless it is completely thawed and warmed.
Thaw pre-filled syringes in one of the three following options:
The thawing and warming times when using a sterile water bath are indicated in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Thawing and Warming Times with Sterile Water Bath at 33°C to a maximum of
37°C | |
Thawing and Warming Times | |
Pack Size |
(Product Removed from aluminum-plastic |
bags) | |
2 ml |
5 minutes |
4 ml |
5 minutes |
10 ml
12 minutes
Alternatively, the sealant components may be thawed and warmed in an incubator between 33°C and 37°C. The thawing and warming times in the incubator are indicated in Table 2 below. The times refer to product in the aluminum-plastic bags.
Table 2: Thawing and Warming Times in Incubator at 33°C to a maximum of 37°C
Pack Size |
Thawing and Warming Times in Incubator (product in aluminum-plastic bags) |
2 ml |
40 minutes |
4 ml |
85 minutes |
10 ml |
105 minutes |
A third alternative is to thaw the product at room temperature. Times given in Table 3 are minimum times for thawing at room temperature. The maximum time the product can be kept (in both aluminum-plastic bags) at room temperature is 72 hours.
When thawing at room temperature, the product must be additionally warmed to 33°C -37°C in an incubator just before use. Respective thawing times in the incubator are also given in Table 3.
Table 3. Thawing and warming times at Room Temperature (=RT) followed by an additional warming, prior to use, in Incubator at 33°C to a maximum of 37°C
Pack Size |
Thawing Times at Room Temperature (product in aluminum-plastic bags) |
Warming Times at 33-37°C in Incubator after Thawing at RT (product in aluminum-plastic bags) |
2 ml |
60 minutes + 15 minutes | |
4 ml |
110 minutes + 25 minutes | |
10 ml |
160 minutes + 35 minutes |
Note: Do not thaw by holding product in your hands.
Do not microwave.
After thawing do not refrigerate or refreeze.
To facilitate optimal blending of the two solutions, the two sealant components must be warmed to 33 - 37°C immediately before use. (The temperature of 37°C must, however, not be exceeded!)
The Sealer Protein and the Thrombin Solutions should be clear or slightly opalescent. Do not use solutions that are cloudy or have deposits. Thawed products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration.
The thawed Sealer Protein Solution should be a slightly viscous liquid. If the solution has the consistency of a solidified gel, it must be assumed to have become denatured (e.g.,
due to an interruption of the cold storage chain or by overheating during warming). In this case, the TISSEEL Ready to use must not be used.
Thawed, unopened pouches may be stored for up to 72 hours at controlled room temperature (not exceeding +25°C) after removal from the freezer. If not used within 72 hours after thawing, TISSEEL Ready to use has to be discarded.
Once thawed, TISSEEL Ready to use must not be refrozen or refrigerated (the sealer protein component forms a gel at refrigerator temperature).
For further preparation instructions please refer to the responsible nurse or medical doctor.
For application, the double-chamber syringe with the Sealer Protein Solution and the Thrombin Solution has to be connected to a joining piece and an application needle as provided in the accompanying set of devices. The common plunger of the doublechamber syringe ensures that equal volumes are fed through the joining piece before being mixed in the application needle and ejected.

- Connect the nozzles of the double-chamber syringe to the joining piece ensuring that they are firmly fixed. Secure the joining piece by fastening the tether strap to the double-chamber syringe. If the pull strap tears, use the spare joining piece. If none is available, further use is still possible but tightness of the connection needs to be ensured to prevent any risk of leaking.
- Fit an application needle onto the joining piece.
- Do not expel the air remaining inside the joining piece or application needle until you start actual application as the aperture of the needle may clog otherwise.
- Apply the mixed Sealer Protein - Thrombin Solution onto the recipient surface or surfaces of the parts to be sealed.
- For surgical procedures that require minimal volumes of fibrin sealant do not use the first few drops of TISSEEL Ready to use (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).
If application of the fibrin sealant components is interrupted, clogging occurs immediately in the needle. Replace the application needle with a new one only immediately before application is resumed. If the apertures of the joining piece are clogged, use the spare joining piece provided in the package.
Note: After blending of the sealant components, the fibrin sealant starts to set
within seconds on account of the high Thrombin concentration (500 IU/ml).
Application is also possible with other accessories supplied by BAXTER that are particularly suited for, e.g. endoscopic use, minimally invasive surgery, application to large or difficult-to-access areas. When using these application devices, strictly follow the Instructions for Use of the devices.
After the two components have been applied, approximate the wound areas. Fix or hold the glued parts with continuous gentle pressure in the desired position for about 3-5 minutes to ensure that the setting fibrin sealant adheres firmly to the surrounding tissue.
In certain applications, biocompatible material, such as collagen fleece, is used as a carrier substance or for reinforcement.
Spray application
When applying TISSEEL using a spray device be sure to use a pressure and a distance from tissue within the ranges recommended by the manufacturer as follows:
Recommended pressure, distance and devices for spray ap |
plication of TISSEEL | ||||
Surgery |
Spray set to be used |
Applicator tips to be used |
Pressure regulator to be used |
Recommended distance from target tissue |
Recommended spray pressure |
Open wound |
Tisseel/ Artiss Spray Set |
n.a. |
EasySpray |
10-15cm |
1.5-2.0 bar (21.5-28.5 psi). |
Tisseel / Artiss Spray Set 10 pack |
n.a. |
EasySpray | |||
Laparo scopic/ minimally invasive procedures |
n.a. |
Duplospray MIS Applicator 20cm |
Duplospray MIS Regulator Duplospray MIS Regulator NIST B11 |
2 - 5 cm |
1.2-1.5 bar (18-22 psi) |
Duplospray MIS Applicator 30cm |
Duplospray MIS Regulator Duplospray MIS Regulator NIST B11 | ||||
Duplospray MIS Applicator 40cm |
Duplospray MIS Regulator Duplospray MIS Regulator NIST B11 | ||||
Replaceable tip |
Duplospray MIS Regulator Duplospray MIS Regulator NIST B11 |
When spraying the TISSEEL, changes in blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation and end tidal CO2 should be monitored because of the possibility of occurrence of air or gas embolism (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).
Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
Baxter Healthcare Limited
Caxton Way Thetford Norfolk IP243SE UK
PL 00116/0627