Vantage Antiseptic 0.5%W/W Cream

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Antiseptic First Aid Cream

Cetrimide 0.5% w/w

Antiseptic First Aid Cream

Cetrimide 0.5% w/w




Cetrimide 0.5% w/w

A soothing preparation to help prevent infection

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Braille reads:

asda antiseptic first aid cream


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Antiseptic First Aid Cream

Cetrimide 0.5% w/w

A soothing preparation to help prevent infection

Antiseptic First Aid

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Antiseptic First Aid Cream


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Cetrimide 0.5% w/w

A soothing preparation to help prevent infection


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Braille reads:

asda antiseptic first aid cream



Antiseptic First Aid Cream

Cetrimide 0.5% w/w

A soothing preparation to help prevent infection



About this product - Asda Antiseptic First Aid Cream is a mild antiseptic used to treat minor burns, minor scalds, minor wounds, cuts, grazes and minor abrasions.

Do not use this product - If you are allergic to any of the ingredients listed. Do not use in body cavities (eg mouth, ear) or as an enema (a treatment to clean the bowel). Avoid contact with eyes, middle ear, brain (if using in a surgical procedure) and surrounding areas.

How to use - Apply thinly and evenly over the affected area of skin. Continue using until symptoms disappear. There is no difference in use for adults, children or the elderly. FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY.

Ingredients - Active ingredient Cetrimide 0.5% w/w. Other ingredients are Cetostearyl Alcohol, Liquid Paraffin, Methyl (E218), Ethyl (E214), Propyl (E216), iso-Butyl and n-Butyl Hydroxybenzoates and Purified Water.

Possible side effects - • Some patients may become very sensitive to cetrimide if applied continuously. If you develop a rash or itching or have any other unwanted side-effects stop using this product and contact your doctor or pharmacist. Important - • If you get this cream in your eye, wash with a large quantity of running water. • If you swallow this product seek medical attention. • Cetostearyl alcohol may cause local skin reactions e.g. contact dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). • Hydroxybenzoates may cause allergic reactions (e.g. rash) possibly delayed.


Storage - Store below 25*C. The cream should not be used after the expiry date indicated on the pack.    .-,

MA Holder and Manufacturer Ecolab Limited, Lotherton Way, Garforth, Leeds LS25 2JY PL 04509/0007

d by Asda Stores Limited, Leeds LS115AD    P2421-2 ujh Text revised April 2008