Becolex Modulite 50 Micrograms Per Actuation Pressurised Inhalation Solution
Beco|ex® Modu|ite® 50 micrograms per actuation pressurised inha|ation scHuhon Beco|ex® Modu|ite® 100 micrograms per actuation pressurised inha|ation so|ution Beco|ex® Modu|ite® 200 micrograms per actuation pressurised inha|ation so|ution Beco|ex® Modu|ite® 250 micrograms per actuation pressurised inha|ation so|ution
bec|ometasone dipropionate
Read all of tMs leaflet carefully before you start using ttiis medicine.
- Keep toto leaflet. You may need to read tt again.
- |f you have any further questions, ask your doctor, or pharmacist.
- This medicine has been prescribed for you. Do not pass it on to others. |t may harm them even if their symptoms are the same as yours.
- If any of the side effects become serious, orif you notice any side effects not Nsted in this |eaf|et, please teN your doctor or pharmacist.
In this leaflet:
1. What Becotex ModuNte is and what it is used for
2. Before you use Becolex Modulite
3. How to use Becolex IMo^Mte
4. Possible side effects
5. How to store Becolex IMo^Mte
6. Further information
1. What Becolex Modulite is and w^ it is used for
Becolex Modulite pressurised inhalation solution is used to help prevent the symptoms of mi|d, moderate or severe asthma. The active ingredient, tedometosone dipropionate, is one of a group of medicines called corticosteroids wNch are often referred to simply as steroids. Steroids have an antiinflammatory action reducing the swelling and irritation in the walls of the sma|| am passages in the |ungs, and so ease breathing problems.
2. Before you use Becolex Modulite
Do not use Becolex ModuMte:
• if you are allergic to any of the to^edento of this medicine or to any other medicines used to
treat asthma.
• to treat a sudden attack of breathlessness. |t wN1 not help. Use a ciuto^actinig ‘reliever' inhaler for this purpose and carry it with you at a|| times.
Take special care with Becolex Modulite and always te|| your doctor if:
• you are being, or have ever been, treated for tuberculosis (TB).
• you must avoid alcohol for any reason.
• your asthma seems to be getting worse. perhaps you are more wheezy and stert of breath than usua|, your ‘reliever' inhaler seems to be toss effective, you require more puffs from your ‘reliever' inhaler toan usua|, or you do not seem to be getting tetter.
Your doctor may need to mcrease the dose of your steroid inhaler or give you a course of steroid tab|ets, or change your treatment attogether. |f you have an tofedton in your chest your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.
• when transferring from steroid tablets to an totetor you find that, even if your chest is getting tetter you feel generally unwe||, you develop a rash, eczema ora runny nose and sneezing (totottto). Do not stop treatment wtth your inhaler unless your tector tells you to.
|f you have been treated for a tong time with high doses of inhaled steroid, you may require a course of steroto tablets or possibly a steroto injection in times of sttess. For examp|e, during admission to hospital after a serious acctoenb before an operation, during an acute attack of asthma orif you have a chest infection or other serious Ntoess. Your doctor wi|| decide if you need any extra steroto toeateed and wi|| also advtoe you as to how tong you need to take toe course of steroid tablets and how you should reduce toese as you get better.
|f you are using Becolex ModuNte instead of, or as weN as taking steroid tab|ets, orif your doctor is trying to reduce the dose of your steroid tab|ets, you steuto carry a steroid warning card until your doctor tells you that you don't need to.
Taking other medicines:
Before sterttng treatment, please te|| your tector or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently toten any other medicines, including medidnes obtained without a prescription. Rememt>er to take these medicines and your inhalers with you if you have to go toto hospital.
pregnancy and breast-feeding:
|f you are pregnant or teeasttfeedn^ or could become pregnant, toto to your doctor before ustog your inhaler.
Important information about some of the ingredients of Becolex:
Becolex Modulite contains a small amount of alcohol. Each actuation (puff) from your inhaler contains about 9 mg of ethanol. 3. How to use Becolex Modulite
Becolex Modulite is available in 4 different strengths. Your doctor will have decided which strength you need. Becolex Modulite 200 and Becolex Modulite 250 are not suitable for children.
Always use your inhaler exactly as your doctor has told you. You should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Instructions for using your inhaler are given after the dosage section.
It takes a few days for your inhaler to work. It is very important that you use it regularly.
Do not stop treatment even if you feel better unless told to do so by your doctor. Do not stop using your inhaler abruptly.
While you are using Becolex Modulite your doctor will want to check your asthma regularly by carrying out simple breathing tests and may need to carry out blood tests from time to time.
The starting dose will depend on how severe your asthma is and will be decided by your doctor.
It may be higher than the doses given below. Your doctor will prescribe the lowest dose of Becolex Modulite that will control your symptoms.
A device called a Volumatic spacer should always be used when:
• adults, the elderly and adolescents 16 years of age and older are taking total daily doses of Becolex Modulite of 1,000 micrograms or more,
• when Becolex Modulite is used in children and adolescents 15 years of age and under whatever dose has been prescribed.
Becolex Modulite 50 micrograms
The common starting dose is:
Adults and the elderly: 200 micrograms (4 puffs) twice a day Children: 100 micrograms (2 puffs) twice a day
Usually the most you would take in a day is:
Adults and the elderly: 800 micrograms (16 puffs) Children: 400 micrograms (8 puffs)
The total daily dose may be divided into two, three or four doses per day.
Becolex Modulite 100 micrograms
The common starting dose is:
Adults and the elderly: 200 micrograms (2 puffs) twice a day Children: 100 micrograms (one puff) twice a day
Usually the most you would take in a day is:
Adults and the elderly: 800 micrograms (8 puffs)
Children: 400 micrograms (4 puffs)
The total daily dose may be divided into two, three or four doses per day.
Becolex Modulite 200 micrograms
The common starting dose is:
Adults and the elderly only: 200 micrograms (one puff) twice a day
Usually the most you would take in a day is: 800 micrograms (4 puffs)
The total daily dose may be divided into two, three or four doses per day. This product strength is not suitable for children
Becolex Modulite 250 micrograms
The common starting dose is:
Adults and the elderly only: 500 micrograms (2 puffs) twice a day
Usually the most you would take in a day is: 2,000 micrograms (8 puffs)
The total daily dose may be divided into two, three or four doses per day. This product strength is not suitable for children
It takes a few days for this medicine to work. It is very important that you use it regularly.
Do not stop treatment even if you feel better unless told to do so by your doctor. Do not stop using your inhaler abruptly.
If you use more Becolex Modulite than you should:
Tell your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may want to check the cortisol levels in your blood and therefore, may need to take a blood sample (cortisol is a steroid hormone which occurs naturally in the body).
It is important that you take your dose as stated on the pharmacist's label or as advised by your doctor. You should not increase or decrease your dose without seeking medical advice.
If you forget to use Becolex Modulite:
If you forget to take your Becolex Modulite, miss out your forgotten dose and take the next dose when it is due. Do not take more puffs than you were told to take.
Please read back of this leaflet
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Instructions for use:
It is important that you know how to use your inhaler properly. Your doctor, nurse or pharmacist will show you how to use your inhaler correctly and will check regularly that you are using your inhaler correctly. You must follow their instructions carefully, so that you know how, when and how many [3uffs to inhale and how often you must use your inhaler. The instructions should be on the pharmacist's label and are given in this leaflet. If you ares not sure what to do or have problems inhaling then ask youe doctof, nursn or pharmacist nor advicn.

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1. To remove thu mouthpiece cover, hold between thu thumb and forefinger, nquuuzu gently and pull apart an shown. Check innidu and outnidu to make nure that the mouthpiucais olean, and that there are no foreign objectn.
Testing Your Inhaler: If the inhaler in new or if it haonot been unud for three dayn or more, one puff ohould au ruluanud into the air to make nure that it workn.
2. Hold thu inhaler upright an nhown, with your thumb on thu bane, below thu mouthpiece.
Brea thu o ut an far an in comfortable.
3. Place thu mouthpiece in your mouth between your teeth and clone your lipn around it but do not bite it
4. Junt after starting to breathe in through your mouth prunn dawn on thu top of thu inhaler to ruleanu a puff while ntill breathing in ntuadily and deeply.
5. Hold yaur breath; take thu iuha ler from your mouth and your wing ur orom the top of thu inhaler. Continue hctlding your breath for a few nucondn or an long an in comfortable. Breathe out nlowly.
6. If you nre to take another puff, keep thu inhaler upright and wait about half a minute before repeating ntupn 2 to 5.
7. After unu alwayn replace thu mouthpiece cover to keep out dunt and fluff. Replace firmly and snap into uosition.
Important: Do not rush steps 2, 3, 4 and 5.
It in importaut that youstart to Urea thu in an nlowly un poanible junt before operating thu inhaler. Practice in front of a mieror for thu firnt few timun.
If you see ‘mist’ coming from the top of the inhaler or the sides of your mouth, Becolex will not get into your lungs as it should. Take another puff, carefully following the instructions from Step 2 onwards.
People with weak handn or children may find it uaniur to hold thu inhaler with both handn. Put thu two forefingurn on top of thu inhaler and both thembn on the bottom below thu mouthpiece.
If you find it difficuft to operate the mhaler while starting te breathe in you may use the Volumatic spacer device. Ask your doctor, pharmacist or a ourse about this device.
However, thu Volumaticspacer device munt alwayn tie unud if:
• you are an adult, elderly or an adoluncunt l6 yearn of age and older and are taking total daily donun of Becolex Modulitu of 1,000 microgramn or more,
• Becolex Modulitu in unud in children and adoluncuntn 15 yearn of age and younger, whatever done han been pruncribud.
Young children may find it difficult to unu thu inhaler properly and will require help. Uning thu inhaler with thu Volumatic npacur device with a face mank may help in children under 5 yearn. Tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you have any difficulties.
It in important to clean your inhaler at leant once a week, to ntop it blocking up.
• Pull tile metal canintur out of thu plantic cane of thu inhaler and remove thu mouthpiece cover.
• Rinnu the plantic oanu and thu mouthpiece cover in warm weter. If you unu a mild liquid detprgent, rinnu (^rafally with clean water be fore drying. Do not putthe metal canintur into water.
• Leave to dry thoroughly in a warmplacel Avoid uxcunnivu heat.
• Reylacu the caninter and moutnpiuce cover.
It in important that you alno read thu Package leaflet which in nuppliud with your Volumatic npacur device and that you follow thu inntructionn on how to unu thu Volumatic and on how to clean it, carefully.
4. Possible; side effects
Like all mediciann, Becolex Modulitu can cauee nidu effectn, although not eaernbodn getnthum.
If you nooice an tmmediate iacrease in whdezing, shortness of breath and cough straight after using your inhaler, stop uning Becolex Modulitu and unu a quick-acting ‘reliever' inhaler immediately. Contact your doctor ntraightaway. Your doctor will review your anthma and may change your treatment and may pruncribu a different inhaler to treat your anthma.
The following side effects have been reported. Tell your doctor as soon as possible if you suffer from any of these side effects but do not stop treatment unless told to do so. Your doctor will try to prevent these effects by prescribing Becolex Modulite in the lowest dose possible to control your asthma.
• Allergic reactions including skin rashes, hives, itching or redness, or swelling of the face, eyes, lips and throat.
• Thrush in the mouth and throat. This is more likely if the daily dose taken is greater than 400 micrograms. Thrush can be treated with anti-fungal medicines whilst you continue to use Becolex Modulite. Brushing your teeth, or throughly rinsing your mouth with water immediately after each dose may help prevent thrush.
• Hoarse voice or a sore throat or tongue. Using a Volumatic spacer device or rinsing your mouth with water immediately after using your inhaler may help prevent this.
• Changes to the normal production of the steriods in the body, particularly after treatment with Becolex Modulite at high doses over a long period oftime.
• If you become unwell or develop symptoms such as loss of appetite, abdominal pain, weight loss, tiredness, nausea (feeling sick), vomiting (being sick), feeling faint, sweating and possible convulsions (fits), you should consult your doctor. This is particularly important if you have been exposed to stress such as surgery, infection, an acute attack of asthma, or other serious illness.
Your doctor may carry out blood test from time to time to monitor the levels of steroids in your body.
• Children and adolescents may grow more slowly and may need to have their height checked regularly by their doctor. This occurs particularly after treatment with Becolex Modulite at high doses over a long period of time.
• A decrease in bone mineral density (thinning and weakening of the bones) and eye problems which include the formation of cataracts and glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye).
• Sleeping problems, depression or feeling worried, restless, nervous, over-excited or irritable. These effects are more likely to occur in children.
• Headaches
• Nausea (feeling sick)
If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
• Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
• Do not use Becolex Modulite after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and label. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
• Do not store the inhaler above 30oC. Protect from frost and direct sunlight.
• If the inhaler gets very cold, take the metal canister out of the plastic case and warm it in your hands for a few minutes before use. Never use anything else to warm it up.
• Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.
Warning: The canister contains a pressurised liquid. Keep away from heat and direct sunlight, do not expose to high temperatures (above 50°C) and do not puncture or burn (incinerate), even when empty.
What Becolex Modulite contains
The active substance of your inhaler is beclometasone dipropionate. Each puff contains 50, 100, 200 or 250 micrograms of beclometasone dipropionate.
The other ingredients are glycerol, ethanol and the CFC-free propellant norflurane (HFA-134a).
To help protect the environment, the inhaler contains the CFC-free propellant HFA-134a, which replaces completely the chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) propellants and appears to have a less damaging effect on the ozone layer. The only differences you might notice from your previous CFC-containing inhaler are the taste and the feel of the spray in your mouth.
What Becolex Modulite looks like and content of the pack
Becolex Modulite is a pressurised inhalation solution contained in an aluminum can with plastic actuator and protective cap. Each canister contains 200 puffs.
Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer
The Marketing Authorisation Holder of Becolex Modulite is Chiesi Limited, 333 Styal Road, Manchester,
M22 5LG, United Kingdom.
The manufacturer of Becolex Modulite is Chiesi Farmaceutici S.p.A., 26/A Via Palermo,
43122 Parma, Italy.
Is this leaflet hard to see or read?
Phone 0161 488 5555 for help.
The leaflet was last revised in 07/2015
Volumatic is a registered trademark of the GlaxoSmithKline Group of Companies.
ZP0014/9 81N65.04/01
