Superdrug Effervescent Health Salts
Out of date information, search anotherVISIBLE AREA 235.93mm
VARNISH SIZE 239.93mm -PRINT SIZE 241.93mm CUT SIZE 242mm
- 242,0mm -
[This medicine contains: magnesium sulphate, which is a laxative and also helps to balance the salts in your body, citric acid makes urine less acidic and also helps to balance the salts in your body and sodium bicarbonate which is an antacid and helps to reduce acidity in the stomach.
For the relief of the symptoms of heartburnj indigestion, upset stomach, feeling sick, and for the relief of constipation.
Do not take this medicine if you:
• are allergic to magnesium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate, citric acid or any of the other ingredients
have severe stomach problems.
Please see your doctor or pharmacist before taking this medicine if you: are pregnant or breast feeding
• need a laxative dose every day, or you have persistent abdominal pain
have a heart condition
suffer from kidney or liver problems
have diabetes
have an intolerance to some sugars !• are elderly or feeling very weak.
[This medicine contains sucrose.
If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, [contact your doctor before taking this [medicinal product. This should be taken intOACcpuntjn_patients with diabetes.,__
fetch 3g level teaspoonful contains |85mg sodium. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled podium diet.
How to take this medicine
Check inner seal is not broken before first hse. Add the powder, according to the tdosage below, to a 200ml (7 fluid ounce) tlass of cold drinking water and drink before the fizzing stops.
<j\dults: For heartburn, indigestion, ppset stomach and feeling sick:
1i or 2 teaspoonfuls, as required.
As a laxative: 2 teaspoonfuls, before breakfast or at bedtime, as required.
Children over 3 years: Reduce the osage appropriately depending on size ^nd age.
Po not give to children under 3 years.
Do not exceed the stated dose.
jf your symptoms persist or worsen, you must see a doctor or pharmacist.
(f you take too much of this medicine by fnistake, contact your doctor or pharmacist straight away.
Possible side effects
Most people do not have any side effects rhile taking this medicine. However, if you ixperience any of the following side effects.
[taking the medicine immediately, and see your doctor or pharmacist: p colic, diarrhoea and belching |On prolonged use only: h irritability
!• feeling or being sick (nausea or vomiting)
I* breathing difficulties [• slow heart beat p light-headedness, confusion p muscular twitches, weakness or cramps p numbness or tingling.
Keep all medicines out of the reach land sight of children.
Store below 25*C in a dry place and away from strong odours. Do not use this Imedicine after the expiry date on the base of !the tub. Use within 3 months of opening. [Contents may settle after packing.
[What is in this medicine?
Contains the active ingredient: sodium [bicarbonate 22.6% w/w, citric acid 19.5% w/w, magnesium sulphate 17.4% w/w.
[The other ingredient is: sucrose (sugar). Who makes this medicine?
|The Marketing Authorisation holder and rnanufacturer is Wrafton Laboratories iLimited, Braunton, Devon, EX33 2DL, UK. Text Revised: February 2011 f reduced for Asda Stores Ltd.,
[Leeds LS11 5AD

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ir anything else unusual happens^stop^ _ _] [pU2_Q63/2029___[GSL]___ 27245591 f ASL0716434

Gently relieves an upset stomach
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