Tesco Haemorrhoid Relief Suppositories
dX3 S NV1AI '101
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed on this carton. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.aov.uk/vellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
5 045092 603062 >

If you need more advice ask your pharmacist.
HDS ZQH aim-iOA ISSM piaysjeppnH epwflun PH ssoy 5 uo]uioi|i jeppq uOHBSuoiflnv 6u!js>|jb^ eqj Aq we Z0N Lueq6u!HON 03d AuEdwoQ spog aqj. Jot parnpapue^ P1/U paredard ixei UOO/OPZOO 3d
■jetBM pe^und
'ge« |osde]iM ‘eprcop uoows pppiioo isurepoo osw
Bur gj'Of apuoiqoojpAH eu|eoopr| '6w gj'Ot uppeiiv suieruoo Ajoiisoddns ipeg :s|us!pai6u! SAypy ■uopeo eqt jo |eued epis eqt uo epp si# Aq esn uaipnqo jo
qoeai pus jq6|S aqj jo jno saupipaui ye das» 'OoSSMoieqJoieaioB aujojpaui sji||. aiofs oj moh
Read all of this carton for full instructions.
Uses: This medicine contains a local anaesthetic, Lidocaine, to relieve the pain and discomfort of haemorrhoids (also known as piles). It also contains Allantoin which helps healing.
Before you use this medicine X Do not use:
• If you are allergic to any of the ingredients I Talk to your pharmacist or doctor:
• If you have continuous pain or bleeding from the anus,
a change in bowel habit, a swollen stomach or have lost weight without trying
• If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
/ How to use this medicine
Check the blister is not broken before use. If it is, do not use that suppository.
Wash hands thoroughly before and after inserting the suppository. Remove the protective film.
Adults: If possible empty bowels before use. Gently insert one suppository deep into the rectum morning and njght and after each bowe! movement.
Use only in the rectum. Do not swallow the suppository. Do not use for children under 12 years.
Do not use this medicine for more than 7 days, unless your doctor tells you to.
If symptoms do not go away within 7 days talk to your doctor.
I If anyone accidentally swallows a suppository:
Talk to a doctor straight away.
Possible side effects
Most people will not have problems, but some may get some.
I If you get any of these serious side effects, stop using the suppositories. See a doctor:
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin rash, redness or itchy skin)
If you get any of the following side effects see your pharmacist or doctor
• Diarrhoea
• • • • •
• ••••••••• • •
• • • • • •• • •
4SL[6ua " M0LSHRA.M03 HYUVHa


Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed on this carton. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.aowuk/vellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
5 045092 603062 >

6u||eeij seiouiojd
6u|ipu moos ijojuuoosip pue uied jo jeiiej oadoojjs J3H3U 1VNU31NI
auieoopn ‘uiomiiv
saumisodilns j]|lH aiOHHHOHWH

HDS ZOH aiiMSHJOA issm pispjsppnH eueMqjun pn ssoy >8 uoiuiopj. jeppq uoijesuoqjnv SupsypieiAl eqi Aq we Z0N LueL|Bumofs| 0“u Auediuoo sioog eqj. joj pajnpe(nuey\| frt/ffpaiBdaJdiXBi IZOO/OhSOOTd
■jeiBM peyund
'ggM losdeijM 'epprop uoojis leppuoo rsweiuoo osiv
6iu gz oi epuo|qoojpA|-| eujeoopn '6lu gg'Of upiuei^/ suppoo Arojisoddns qoeg :siuejpaj6uj e/upy uogeo eqi jo pued epjs eqi uo step eqi Aq esn ■uajpiiqo )o
qoeai pue iqBjS aig )0 jno seujCjpeui ||B dee>|
eujPjpeui snji aicqs <n wvohj

If you need more advice ask your pharmacist.
Read all of this carton for full instructions.
Uses: This medicine contains a local anaesthetic, Lidocaine, to relieve the pain and discomfort of haem«rhoida(alsotnown aapilesjtft also contains Alantdn whichbelps l*al#g» •
Before you &e tiffs mSlicin!
X Donmuse* • •• • • • •
• If youM allergic to«ny of the ingedknk •• ••
! Talk to your pharmacisftrdrAtor * •
• If you have continuous pain or bleeding from the anus,
a chafte in Awel Abit, a sAillA storAA or have lost weighAAiout Air# • • •
• IfyouAe pregnant#-breastfeeding
/ How tcuua* thimedipjpe* • • •
Chec^he blister is^ot brgken befogs uge. If ilgp, do#ofc usetl^supipgjtoi# • • • •
Wash hands thorough^ before and after inserting the suppository. Remove the protectwe film.
Adults: If possible empty bowels before use. Gently insert one suppository deep into the rectum morning and nght and after each bowd movement.
Use only in the rectum. Do not swallow the suppository. Do not use for children under 12 years.
Do not use this medicine for more than 7 days, unless your doctor tells you to.
If symptoms do not go away within 7 days talk to your doctor.
! If anyone accidentally swallows a suppository:
* Talk td% dfcftr straight away.
• • •
possible side effects
Most people will not have problems, but some may get some.
! If you get any of these serious side effects, stop using the suppositories. See a doctor
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin rash, redness or itchy skin)
• If ydu get aSyoPthe following side effects see your phaMSdH or dottM
• DiaHhoea •

• • •• • • • # •
• • ••••••••• •
• • • • • •

• ••••• ••• •
dX3 13 NVIAI '103

If you need more advice ask your pharmacist.
■6w gz oi epuo|qoojpA|-| eujeoopn '6iu gg'Qf upiuei^/
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed on this carton. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.aov uk/vellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide
HDS ZQH awsHJOA iseM MSjeppnn eueMiflun pn ssoy $ uoiuiogj. jeppp uojjesuoiflnv Bunejpeyj eqi Aq WS SON lubl|Bu!HO|m 0“u Auediuoo sioog epj. joj parnpe(nuey\| W./fLpaJBdad]xai 1700/07300 Td
■jbjem peyund
'S0M |osdet|M 'epprop uoows leppiioo isuptuoo osiv
surapoo Arojisoddns ipeg :siuejpaj6uj e/upv uogeo eqt jo |eued apis apt uo step eg; Aq asn ■uajpnqo )o
ipeai pue tqBjS aip )0 jno seujOjpeui lie deeyi
'OoSS *o|eq jo te sjots
oujOjpeui snji auojs oj MOhj
Read all of this carton for full instructions.
Uses: This medicine contains a local anaesthetic, Lidocaine, to relieve the pain and discomfort of haemorrhoids (also known as piles). It also contains Allarrtoin which helps healing.
Before you use this medicine
X Do not use:
If you are allergic to any of the ingredients Talk to your pharmacist or doctor:
If you have continuous pain or bleeding from the anus, a change in bowel habit, a swollen stomach or have lost weight without trying If you are pregnant or breastfeeding
/ How to use this medicine
Check the blister is not broken before use. If it is, do not use that suppository.
Wash hands thorough^ before and after inserting the suppository. Remove the protecthre film.
Adults: If possible empty bowels before use. Gently insert one suppository deep into the rectum morning and nght and after each bowel movement^ _
Use only in the rectum. Do not swallow the suppository. Do not use for children under 12 years.
Do not use this medicine for more than 7 days, unless your doctor tells you to.
If symptoms do not go away within 7 days talk to your doctor.
! If anyone accidentally swallows a suppository:
Talk to a doctor straight away.
Possible side effects
Most people will not have problems, but some may get some.
! If you get any of these serious side effects, stop using the suppositories. See a doctor
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin rash, redness or itchy skin)
If you get any of the following side effects see your pharmacist or doctor
• Diarrhoea
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed on this carton. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.aov.uk/vellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
5 045093 171249 >

HOS ZOH aitpiJOA IseM PieiSJeppnH etiB/wflun pn ssoy 5 uojujolu. jep|Oi| uonesuomnv 6u!ie>(JB|/\| eqj Aq WS 23N LueqBunjON 0"ld AueduroQ sjoog eqj. jqj pajnjOE|nuey\| hf/tf paredardixei i-ZOO/OhZOOTd
■jetEM peyund
'ggM psdeiiM 'epprop uoows leppuoo isuptuoo osiv ■Bur gg'Ot epuo|qoojpA|-| eureoopn '6iu gz'Ql upjuenv suie)uoo Arotisoddns ipEg spisjpaiBuj e/vgov ■uopeo eqt jo pued epp eqt uo step etfl Aq esn ■uaipiiqoio
qoeai pue ti|Bjs sip jo pio seupipam ge dae»
■Q0gs mo|aq jo p sjois eujojpeui sjt|) aiots o) moh
Read all of this carton for full instructions.
Uses: This medicine contains a local anaesthetic, Lidocaine, to relieve the pain and discomfort of haemorrhoids (also known as piles), it also contains Allantoin which helps healing.
Before you use this medicine K Do not use:
If you are allergic to any of the ingredients Talk to your pharmacist or doctor
If you have continuous pain or bleeding from the anus, a change in bowel habit, a swollen stomach or have lost weight without trying if you are pregnant or breastfeeding
/ How to use this medicine
Check the blister is not broken before use. If it is, do not use that suppository.
Wash hands thoroughly before and after inserting the suppository. Remove the protective film.
Adults: If possible empty bowels before use. Gently insert one suppository deep into the rectum morning and right and after each bowd moyOTent._ _
Use only in the rectum. Do not swallow the suppository. Do not use for children under 12 years.
Do not use this medicine for more than 7 days, unless your doctor tells you to.
If symptoms do not go away within 7 days talk to your doctor.
! If anyone accidentally swallows a suppository:
Talk to a doctor straight away.
Possible side effects
Most people will not have problems, but some may get some.
! If you get any of these serious side effects, stop using the suppositories. See a doctor
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin rash, redness or itchy skin)
If you get any of the following side effects see your pharmacist or doctor
• Diarrhoea
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed on this carton. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme at: www.mhra.aov.uk/vellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

5 045093 1 249 >

HDS ZQH ai!ps>)JOA 1S8M pisusjsppnn spwflun PH ssoy uotujOLU. Jsppii uonesuoipv BugsHJEiAj egt Aq \/VE SON LueqBumoN OTd Auediuoo sjoog aqj. joj pajnpqnuey\| H/LL paredardprei l-ZOO/OMMTd
■J81BM pejund
'ggM |osdej]/\A 'epmp uooms leppuoo isunjjuoo osiv ■6uj QZ'Ol epuo|L|OQjpA|-| euraoopn 'Blu gg'Of uppenv suiejuoo Ajojisoddns ipeg istueipeiBu; erupy ■uopeo eqj jo |eued epjs eqt uo epp eqt Aq esn ■uejpijip jo
ipeai pue pjBjs aqi jo jno seujoipeui ne daeyi
0„gs /wqeq jo p ajojs eujOjpaui smi aiois oj moh
Read all of this carton for full instructions.
Uses: This medicine contains a local anaesthetic, Lidocaine, to relieve the pain and discomfort of haemorrhoids (also known as piles). It also contains Allantab whit' i helpshealing* •
Before you me'ticin''
X Do not use:
• Ifyou .reali.rgic.jany lf#iel .gredL.its • •
! Talk t^ffiir pharmacistor doctcff: •• * * ••
• If you have continuous paiffor blHding%m re anus,
a chanae in bowel habit, a swollen stomach or have lost weighWvitho# trvin J
• Ifyou^SregnSrt Jbiesitfeeding* •
/ How to use this medicine Check thebltter is: Y brt :e bt 'ore use.11 it is,bo note usethr'suppositor, e e • • ••
Wash bindsJ hr om hly br 'ore ar 1 afteeinserting thee suppository. Remove the protective film.
Adults: If possible empty bowels before use. Gentiy insert one suppository deep into the rectum morning and night and after each bowel movement._________
Use only in the rectum. Do not swallow the suppository. Do not use for children under 12 years.
Do not use this medicine for more than 7 days, unless your doctor tells you to.
If symptoms do not go away within 7 days talk to your doctor.
! If anyone accidentally swallows a suppository:
Talk to^ doctor straight away.
Possible sick effects
• Most people will not have problems, but some may get some.
! If you get any of these serious side effects, stop using the suppositories. See a doctor
• Allergic reactions (e.g. skin rash, redness or itchy skin)
If you get any of the following side effects see your
• phtdlnacist if dtctor •
• flar^dla* • •
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